2021-05-04 02:31:14 UTC
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part C - By Kabatoff, Dar. S.
May 1st 2021 11:08 am 68,187 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Women and children, both on reserves and off reserves, should be encouraged to continue hunting and fishing, as society will collapse and there will be no resources freely handed out to them. Rifles firing the Winchester .243 caliber cartridges are great as they are easily fired by people of smaller stature, and the bullet has just enough power to kill the predatory wild boars, cougars, wild dogs, wolves and is adequate for harvesting deer. People new to hunting and considering their first rifle should seriously consider the many benefits of owning a rifle calibrated to firing the .243 Winchester, shooting at a pack of wild dogs with just a .22 rimfire or .22 Hornet rifle can get you killed. Some people predict that the wild boar population in Saskatchewan will soon exceed the number of people in the province, insanity is to prevent people in the countryside, or in the city, to have the means to defend themselves. Like the witches, the cougars and the wild boar eat people. And there are rabid animals in the countryside that have no fear of humans. The corrupt chiefs on the reserves should have made resources available to the women and children so they could obtain rifles, and should have allowed them to benefit each Treaty Day and obtain the boxes of bullets they were eligible for when they were freely being handed out annually by the RCMP officers. The Islamic Canadian and other western governments are manufacturing weapons and then selling or freely gifting these weapons to people who want to cut our heads off. Huge arms shipments sent by western nations to Islamic nations are written off when the recipient nations fail to pay their bills, and then the taxpayers are made to cover the debt. We should instead be making guns for our own people, teaching them to care for the weapons and to discharge them accurately. Or instead of adopting the .243 Winchester, teach your children, spouse or grandma to be skilled in shooting the .338 Lapua Magnum or the .50 caliber BMG, they are better for defense against bears and are recommended by veterans for sniping and counter-sniping. Avoid a rifle of less power than a .243 Winchester as you will need the additional power to pierce the hide and bones of a charging thick-skinned animal. If you want to try your luck with a slightly larger caliber than .243 Winchester, then consider the .270 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington or the 7mm Remington Magnum. From what I’ve read, I think that most people would be better served with a semi-auto .243 Winchester than with rifles calibrated to .223, 270, 7mm-08, 7mm Remington. .308 or 30-06, unless your primary purpose is to kill moose, elk, elephants, rhinoceros, or bears. And if your primary purpose is to kill those big game animals, then you are better served by yet larger calibers. Personally I believe that people are in need of rifles to defend themselves from other people.
Consider buying one of those new fangled light-weight “mountain rifles,” but get one in .243 Winchester (it would be nice to have fixed iron sights on the barrel and with a carbon fiber stock), and weighs around five pounds with an empty magazine, for your child, spouse or kokum (for your grandmother). Those light-weight mountain rifles are available in larger calibers but those larger calibers produce a lot more heat for the light-weight barrels, and when your barrel gets too hot you lose accuracy. A lot of children will want to get mountain rifles under their blinkin’ trees or for their birthdays. Anyway, my main message to the kids is to always oil your firearms, if you fire them then the heat removes the oil inside the barrel and then the inside of the barrel will start to rust. When you cover the inside of the barrel with oil, then it will not rust. And if you are holding a beer, a joint and a rifle and you are trying to get over or under a barbed-wire fence, my advice is to make sure not to spill your beer, and then remember to pick up your rifle if you lay it down. A mountain rifle in 7mm-08 might be nice (equipped with iron sites would be nicer), together with a good scope and sling, it might be adequate to defend from bears and harvest moose, but such a light-weight rifle will give a bit of a kick. If your kid dothn’t want a .243 mountain rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday, instead consider getting him or her a heavier rifle in .338 Lapua Magnum or in .50 caliber BMG. Seniors with brittle bones may have their shoulder bones broken when firing a .338 Lapua, they may be better served with the less powerful .243 Winchester or a 7mm-08 Remington calibrated rifles. There is a myriad of calibers between .243 Winchester and .338 Lapua that are suitable for defense, similarly there is a myriad of calibers between .338 Lapua and .50 BMG that are similarly suitable for defense, my thought was that it would be wise to encourage people to purchase a rifle calibrated to at least .243 Winchester as anything less could be underpowered for defense against the wild boar and other thick-skinned predators, while purchasing calibers “between” .338 and .50 (such as .375, .408 and .416) would result ammo supply issues. People new to firearms and wanting their first rifle should consider getting a common caliber to make it easier to obtain ammo, such as .243 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington and .308 Remington. Longer ammunition includes the .270 Winchester, .300 Win. Mag., and the 30-06 Springfield, but rifles chambered for these longer shells will weigh considerably more than a mountain rifle, and they too will be outgunned by the heavier yet .338 Lapua and .50 BMG. If you can’t find a .243 Winchester or 7mm-08 Remington or .308 Winchester and somebody offered you a cheap .270 Winchester or .30-06 Springfield you should seriously consider buying it. If your kid wants a lever action rifle consider giving him or her a Browning Lever Action in .243 or .308 Winchester. Break the Kung Flu quarantine and buy some ammo for yourself. Make use of a .243 or .270 Winchester, or the .308 and the 7.62x51mm, until you can find yourself a .338 Lapua or .50 BMG. A Remington 1100 12 gauge semi-auto or pump shotgun might be nice, the semi-autos have less recoil and should be preferred by the seniors with the brittle bones. If you give your kid a pellet gun, or a single shot .22, or a single shot .243, they are likely to be raped and pissed on before they are beheaded. Americans should consider sending some of their old surplus generation 3 night vision optics to Canada.
I know this gun talk is all a little technical and a little confusing, maybe have more faith in your children and ask them which caliber they prefer before you buy them their rifles. Some kids will not care which caliber they get and will instead only care about the color of the rifle, if that is the case just give such kids bolt action rifles calibrated to .338 Lapua and be done with it, the heavy weight of the rifle and the recoil will help toughen them up. It is better for the kids to learn to be tough and responsible citizens than to be attending a Catholic Church and learning to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Rather than endlessly debating the issue of which caliber of rifle to provide for your child, just get him or her a rifle in .243 Winchester or .338 Lapua and let them practice. The great thing about rifles in .338 Lapua and .50 BMG, is that we have soldiers serving in the Canadian Armed Forces that would love to have one of these long reaching rifles, so if your kid loses interest in the hobby (or gets killed), there will be a demand for his or her rifle and you will probably get your money back. Instead of just giving Canadian soldiers a tarp and a jeep, we should consider giving them a decent rifle as well.
I used to advise people to prepare for a prolonged period of adversity and save a seven-year supply of food (Genesis 41), but I think it is too late for that and so now I advise people to buy rifles for their children. This is in part because we have a Canadian Prime Minister who is intent upon replacing the unpleasant Canadians of old stock white European descent.
Trudeau has a new carbon tax and carbon tax rebate program where the biggest families get the biggest rebates, he rewards those who use the most carbon with the biggest of the carbon tax rebates. Again, the bigger the families, the more carbon they consume; and the more carbon they consume, the more they collect in carbon tax rebates. The Islamist male claims for all four houses and for each of his four wives, and for the great multitudes of children, so of course he gets the greatest “Trudeau Carbon Tax Rebate”. In second place for receiving the largest amount of “Trudeau Carbon Tax Rebates” are the friends and family members of that original Islamist male, for he sponsors and entices entire villages to come to Canada. The First Nations Aboriginals get the third greatest amounts of “Carbon Tax Rebates” because their families are smaller than the Islamic families with the four houses and four wives, and smaller in number than the families and friends coming here from Islamic lands, indeed more Islamists arrived to Canada in the last 20 years than we have First Nations people remaining. All three groups blame Whitey for their problems. Members from each group want to gain high paying unionized employment as janitors or food service providers or nurses or doctors in the psychiatric wards. Some are happy just building the new psychiatric facilities to house the “crazy” people. The Islamists systematically commit polygamy and daily import their Khat, they do not face penalty but are rewarded with increased welfare allowances and continue to purchase courier outlets and transport trucks to assist them to move weapons and drugs around the nation with impunity.
Some First Nations people buy Chinese-made fentanyl from Islamists and hope to profit from that. Recently the police caught two Islamists in Toronto who had enough fentanyl to kill all Canadians about a dozen times over. When some of the First Nations drug dealers hear about the large available quantities of this “drug”, their hope is for lower wholesale prices. We will be affected both positively and negatively in our interactions with these pagans when they visit or raise their large families in our cities, or when they come here to plunder, maim and kill. Expect more people to die from fentanyl overdoses as some of those trafficking in fentanyl desire that people die from the drugs they push. Some people will continue to die from fentanyl overdoes without them being aware they have consumed any drugs at all – some people are being purposely murdered with fentanyl and others are getting away with it. Saskatoonians are more likely to face a massive cloud of fentanyl released from upwind rather than experience bombings and beheadings, and Trudeau’s Islamic media will continue to downplay the deaths while continually referring to Mohammad as “The Holy Prophet”. Indeed, Trudeau is giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the assorted mainstream media outlets so they can continue to censor murders and proclaim that Mohammad is holy. In Edmonton and other cities the media doesn’t even report the murders if the murderer was apprehended, as they claim the threat is contained and so there is no need to report on it, and so Mohammad Mohammad may now murder both Jones and Moosehunter and few will ever learn of the event.
Both the Chinese who manufacture the fentanyl, and the Islamists who traffic large quantities of the fentanyl, are simply overjoyed that First Nations people are engaged in assisting them in killing both the reds and whites in America and Canada. Those First Nations people who successfully push the fentanyl will be buying bigger houses with the taller ceilings, so they may annually feather these nests with bigger trees that they decorate to bigger degrees, for as Dr. Marcoux said, “everybody does it” (everybody turns trees into decorated idols and so therefore I am insane to criticize the practice).
There is absolutely nothing more important on earth than violating God’s first three Commandments by turning trees into decorated idols and calling the pagan fertility rite “Christmas”. While your Catholic children die from diseases, accidents and murders, the Catholic parents will hang pictures of their dead Catholic children on their blinkin’ Catholic trees and make claims in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix obituaries that the child is now up in heaven with Mary, watching over and protecting us from evil. The Catholics not only talk to the dead, they pray to the dead and ask the dead for favors, they do that rather than talk to and worship God. The Catholics honor traditions instead of Commandments, they happily violate God’s first four Commandments for the sake of their traditions, and think little of the remaining six. The result is criminal behavior, sickness and death, and costs the citizens and the City of Saskatoon money. Again, we may mitigate the economic losses by getting the Catholic Church to post a $3 billion performance bond. As the Protestant churches push Catholic fertility rites, they too are Catholic churches, and so the Protestant Churches can help cover that $3 billion performance bond. The Buddhists, Hindus, Moslems, Sikhs and Zoroastrians should each similarly post $3 billion performance bonds to the city, as all have teachings that result in crimes and economic losses to the city. Even if we are unable to find the Zoroastrians and collect the performance bond from them, we should have some money left over to build TIG welding facilities and teach the skill to our unemployed and underemployed. The Zoroastrians are sneaky people, they are hard to find but they are here, hiding. As Mayor of Saskatoon, I promise to spend time searching for them, to get the money from them, for the city. After all, if everybody else is paying $3 billion performance bonds to the city, the Zoroastrians should too.
And of course these Catholics will defend the honor of their murdered or smitten children by lodging complaints to the Catholic police in the hopes of having me arrested and tortured in Catholic psychiatric facilities, again, for daring to criticize their pagan traditions, again. You people are all just one big joke, waiting patiently for “Christmas” to come once again, so you may sacrifice another tree and tithe to a church capped with an Egyptian dink. Some of you Catholics even cap your blinkin’ trees with Egyptian penises. Just as you think it funny that I get repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to criticize your traditions, I think the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. Catholics employ Hindus and members of other fertility cults to do their dirty work for them and torture people who dare to criticize their Catholic fertility cult, then they purchase ads in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper proclaiming that their smitten family members are up in heaven with Mary, looking down from heaven, watching over and protecting us. The Catholic Church is the same now as it always has been, they torture and kill their opponents every century. We should end psychiatry in Saskatoon and get the Catholic Church to post the $3 billion dollar performance bond.
My dad, Samuel Kabatoff, passed away on November 1st 2018 (shortly after getting another flu shot), he served as a police officer for the City of Saskatoon for many years. About a week before Sam passed away he repeated the story to me, he said that there used to be two buildings side by side, one occupied by priests, the other by nuns, and that the two buildings had a very narrow space between them. The buildings were demolished to make way for the court house on Spadina Crescent, and during that demolition there were a number of children’s skeletons found in that narrow space. Sam said the discovery of the human remains was kept secret as the Catholics in the police force and courts of law are above the law and believe themselves to be God on earth.
Sam’s death necessitated that his surviving family members meet with banking officials to remove his name from bank accounts, so we went to a branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce where we were directed to the office of an Iranian woman - she was an Iranian citizen and not a Canadian citizen – who completed the required paperwork. Prime Minister Trudeau recently made it legal for companies to hire foreign nationals for jobs in Canada with the companies no longer having to offer the position to Canadians first. Saskatoon City Hall is in on this as has begun employing Islamists and other people from foreign lands that do not hold Canadian citizenship.
Seats at the medical schools at the University of Saskatchewan in Regina and Saskatoon are given to hundreds of Saudi Arabian and other Islamic students so they may learn to become doctors, some are trained to specialize in psychiatry, and they may practice this psychiatry (they may torture Canadians) at Canadian psychiatric facilities without them being Canadian citizens, and they may even practice the “art” without having yet graduated from the college. In Sweden they train the newly arrived Islamists to march and become sharp shooters, but the teacher who trains them is a Swedish citizen, while in Canada we may now fly in marksmen from Islamic nations and give them jobs teaching the skills here to their fellow Islamists, without any of them being Canadian citizens. People respond by borrowing money to build new and larger torture facilities in the city of North Battleford and upgrade the torture facilities in Saskatoon. Many people in Saskatoon were sleeping in bushes along the river bank and under bridges, and three levels of government (city, provincial and federal) ignored the homeless and instead met Islamists at our airport and welcomed them to the city and assisted them with housing and other expenses.
Many of those Canadians who were homeless found it rather difficult to obtain employment due to criminal records from non-violent marijuana convictions or from other non-violent crimes they committed during their youths, often decades earlier. Now marijuana is legal but they still have criminal records and continue to be excluded from most jobs and educational programs. Khat remains illegal but the Islamists fly the drug in daily and distribute it with their network of courier franchises and trucking companies. More drugs and violence comes to us from Mexico and Trudeau no longer requires visas for the Mexican murderers when they come to Canada. The Chinese are shipping enough fentanyl into North America to kill everybody here many times over. The Islamists killed Christians in foreign lands and took their money, houses and land, then they came to Canada with this stolen wealth and were allowed to keep ”their savings” for their own discretionary uses while they were given taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
In many Canadian communities the only businesses that allow smoking in their premises are hookah bars that cater to the middle-eastern Islamists. Our slave owners decide which particular people may have which particular freedoms. The Christians are having their lives shortened and are marginalized, they are hated for their worship of Jesus and for attempting to honor His Commandments, they are hated for telling Catholics that their pagan fertility rites are in opposition to Scripture, they are hated for daring to point out that the Koran is but a pile of bogus blasphemy - this “blasphemous crap” was communicated to Mohammad via 6-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties (Hadith Number 2442), and most Canadian Christians are hated for having white skin.
There is no better way to marginalize the children of white European descent than to give them criminal records for marijuana possession, then based on that or on another minor non-violent conviction prevent them from obtaining post-secondary education and jobs, and prevent them from obtaining gun licenses so they may hunt or protect themselves. The white kids are actively given hurdles to prevent gun ownership while the RCMP go to the reserves and annually hand out valuable boxes of high power ammunition to Indians that hold no gun licenses whatsoever. The white kids that do manage to obtain the necessary paperwork to purchase a firearm should be reminded that the Canadian constitution doesn’t recognize your right to own neither a gun nor land, and that the gun and/or land you paid for may be removed from you at any time. The white kids are targeted and systematically taught to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, while at the same time are being educated in the schools to become Moslems. Similar issues are now playing out in The United States of America and in other western nations.
We read in the Hadith Number 2442 that when Mohammad wore 6-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties, the panties talked and dictated the Koran. Mohammad took off Aisha’s talking shit-stained panties and tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls, but those other panties would not talk, so Mohammad put Aisha’s shit-stained panties back on and her shit-stained panties resumed dictating the Koran (from the Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442). And now that we have Aisha’s shit-stained panties dictating laws to Canadians, this adversely affects lives of people living in Saskatoon. As a possible candidate for Mayor of The City of Saskatoon, I’d like to make it clear that I am opposed to this “Sharia Law” that Aisha’s shit-stained panties proclaimed.
There is no precedent in Scripture of shit-stained panties proclaiming an end to God’s Commandments, let alone ever talking. God’s prophets were united in defense of His Commandments, while Aisha’s shit-stained panties never mentioned God’s Commandments. Mohammad can’t be a prophet of God because he only received instruction from Aisha’s shit-stained panties, and these instructions never mentioned God’s Commandments, nor did the instructions include a single prophecy. And neither Aisha nor her shit-stained panties are prophets of God, for neither Aisha, nor her shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God’s Commandments, nor did either utter a single prophecy.
God’s prophets are united in defense of God’s Commandments, if Aisha’s shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God’s Commandments, then Aisha’s shit-stained panties could possibly have a claim of being a prophet of God. But Aisha’s shit-stained panties neither uttered prophecy nor did they speak in defense of God’s Commandments. If Mohammad wore the talking shit-stained panties while the talking shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God’s Commandments and at the same time were uttering prophecy, this still won’t result in Mohammad being a prophet of God, because it was the shit-stained panties that prophesized and not Mohammad. Likely Mohammad put six-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties on because they were talking while Aisha was wearing them, although the panties belonged to Aisha an event such as this one needs to be shared. You certainly can’t blame Aisha if her shit-stained panties started talking. And you can’t blame Mohammad, I’m pretty sure that most anybody who came across a six-year-old little girl who’s shit-stained panties were talking, would similarly remove them and try them on for him or herself, just to see if the shit-stained panties would continue to talk. Years later Stalin came along and got the little kids to build composite Yaks that saved Russia from utter ruin, but it is Mohammad that is greatly loved instead. Anyway, today Aisha’s shit-stained panties are likely located in the basement of the Vatican and are viewed as a valuable relic, there they continue talking but are now coated with semen as well.
It needs to be noted that before Mohammad removed Aisha’s shit-stained talking panties, that he heard a voice coming from the region of her anus. How did Mohammad know that the voice was coming from six-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties rather than her anus? Clearly Mohammad would have had to remove her panties in order to determine where exactly the voice was coming from. It is likely that the talking spirit originally resided in Aisha’s rectum and then later migrated to her shit-stained panties. There remains a possibility that Hadith Number 2442 is in error, that the Koran was not dictated by Aisha’s shit-stained panties at all but instead by Aisha’s arsehole. But even if that were the case, since the voice never defended God’s Commandments nor uttered prophecy, Aisha clearly has no claim of being a prophet of God. And furthermore, the western media (owned by the Catholic Church) has no basis to be calling the murderous pedophile “The Holy Prophet”. Regardless, now in Saskatoon and other western communities, the residents give free houses to the newly arrived Islamists and allow these Islamists to try on their daughter’s panties as well.
People should consider reading Hadith 2442 for themselves, when I read the passage it is pretty clear to me that it was Aisha’s shit-stained panties that dictated the Koran, to say otherwise would be udder heresy. The scribe who witnessed the birth of the Koran and documented it in Hadith Number 2442 would have been astounded to hear Aisha’s shit-stained panties talking, no doubt. But again, how was the scribe to know if the voice came from Aisha’s shit-stained panties rather than from her anus? Only if the shit-stained panties spoke while Mohammad wore them, and if at the same time Aisha’s anus was not uttering any Koranic passages, could we be reasonably assured that indeed, it was Aisha’s panties that spoke and dictated the Koran.
I imagine the scribe was in a tough position, he had to have heard the voice coming from the region of Aisha’s anus, he would have had to witness Mohammad removing Aisha’s shit-stained panties, he would have had to watch as Mohammad dressed up in Aisha’s shit-stained panties, and then he would have had to heard the shit-stained panties talking while Mohammad wore them. But the Hadith goes on to say that Mohammad removed Aisha’s talking shit-stained panties and tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls in order to determine if those shit-stained panties would talk as well, and so the scribe was present to witness and document the entire event. I think the scribe may have witnessed that the voice was coming from Aisha’s and Mohammad’s arseholes, but he would have faced pressure to instead fraudulently document that the voice was coming from Aisah’s shit-stained panties instead. Telling Mohammad to his face that he is talking out of his ass would likely not go over too well for the scribe.
There should be classes taught on the subject in primary schools, high schools and universities, as the kids should be encouraged to think on the serious subject of the origin of the Koran. If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would warn the parents to watch over their daughter’s panties and make sure that the panties are not talking, and if the panties do start talking, to report the incident to any appropriate authorities. Likely you will soon have a Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist telling you that you think too much about talking panties, so it might be wise to first wash the panties and see if they continue talking after they come out of the dryer. I advise the citizens of the City of Saskatoon to not hang talking panties on any clothes lines, but to dry them in dryers instead, lest the talking panties say anything to bother the neighbors. Heaven forbid, children’s panties hanging out together outside on clothes lines could break out into song, I think that such a situation would be rather intolerable if they sang crappy songs, and more so if they sang crappy songs throughout the night. I don’t think we need a new bylaw to prevent children’s panties from singing at night as the existing noise bylaw should have this covered. Nevertheless the issue is sure to be divisive as religion always is, some Saskatoonians are sure to only hang their talking panties out on Saturday, others will choose Sunday or some other day, some will whirl their children’s panties clockwise, others in a counterclockwise direction. My hope is that people would wash their daughter’s shit-stained panties before hanging them outside on a clothes line for all to see (and hear, and smell), as this way they were less likely to utter any crap. I should go on about the shit-stained panties because Scripture advises us to beware of lying spirits, like Santa Clause, manifestations of Mary, the Easter Bunny and such. Anyway, a thousand years after Aisha’s shit-stained panties dictated the Koran, people in England were sticking their arses out of upper story windows and crapping upon people passing by on the streets below. Incredible story, I couldn’t make it up if I tried.
The Catholic media censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, censors acts of pedophilia by their Catholic priests, encourages homosexuality and witchcraft, defends the Protestant churches because the Catholic Church owns them, and endlessly wars against God’s First Three Commandments by getting you to engage in a pagan winter festival. Then there is the issue of the Catholic Church using their media to get the “Christians” in America to vote for “Obama”, an Indonesian Islamist. Even after Obama funded the extermination of Christians from the middle-east, the Catholic media continues to heap praises upon him. “Obama” (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) stood with his wife “Michelle” (Mike wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college), and stood with two borrowed daughters, together the group posed with a tree turned into a decorated idol. The Christians and the pagans together voted for “Obama” because they liked his blinkin’ trees. Not just Americans but the whole world loved “Obama” (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) when they saw photos of him posing with muscular Mike and the blinkin’ trees. “Obama” (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) funded the slaughter of Christians in the middle-east, yet is loved by Christians because he poses with the blinkin’ trees, they are decorated idols.
The greatest threat to my life is not the Islamists nor the Catholics, nor their psychiatrists, police officers and judges, it is the filthy and ignorant servers at Tim Horton’s and other restaurants who care little of food safety and who scratch their arses, handle money and then hand me a cup of water after touching the rim of the cup. First Nations have casinos that offer such service, the greatest gamble is not blackjack, poker nor slots, the greatest gamble is to consume food and water originating from such restaurants and coffee shops in their casinos. The fecal matter and germs the Indians allow to be spread on the food and water at their casinos kills people, and it kills people faster than the anti-fertility herbs being added to foods by the Islamists. Don’t expect First Nations people to enforce food safety regulations at their casinos, they are paying people back for the contaminated blankets handed to their ancestors centuries ago. People buy business licenses and offer food in the hopes of financial profit, then they cut corners to maximize their profits, they care little that staff members dealing the food and handing out water aren’t abiding by food safety regulations, their licenses should be revoked and they should face fines. The Indians have cameras all over their First Nations casinos, but they are unable to see their own cooks continually touching their faces, adjusting their glasses and scratching their noses, arses, or whatever, with their rubber-gloved hands, and they think the contaminated meals they offer are still worth $25 a serving. The healthy among us who consume the contaminated food and water get diarrhea for a couple of days while the weak and the elderly get death sentences.
The First Nations running the casinos show their true colors each winter when they openly adopt Catholic fertility rites and turn their casinos into blinkin’ temples of fertility. There is little difference between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism, band members flip-flop between their traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any particular day, and that is why HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases are so high in the First Nations communities. The Indians are like anybody else, they lined up to help Graham Construction build the new torture facilities in North Battleford, and are eager to sweep the psychiatric ward floors or provide food to the tortured inmates as the positions offered in the hospitals are unionized and pay better than average.
Repeatedly I have seen fast food restaurants allow mothers to sit their children down upon the front serving counters, these mothers and restaurant employees think pretty highly of the children’s filthy pants and dirty arseholes, and then nobody sanitizes the serving counter after the mother and child leaves. Cadets, sports organizations and assorted clubs should submit videos of food service safety infractions to City Hall and share in the fines being levied against them. People who are void of compassion should not be allowed to have a business license that allows them to serve food, but that is not possible so they must face fines in an attempt to force compliance to the laws. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is just a joke that costs lives and money, the City of Saskatoon should be levying fines against the filthy restaurants without the assistance of that corrupt organization. The Indians in Caswell, Riversdale and Pleasant Hill districts of Saskatoon are largely just killing one another while it is the Indians serving food at Whitecap Dakota Dunes Casino and other restaurants that pose a greater danger to the people of other races.
Some of the money being spent at the casinos in Canada originates from Western New Guinea, Islamists from Indonesia invaded the island about 60 years ago and have been slaughtering the native inhabitants, many of whom are Christians, ever since. Both Chinese and Canadian companies are involved in extracting the gold from the extremely rich land, it is land that likely contains the highest concentration of gold in the entire world. The Chinese transport the gold by pipeline - the Chinese pump an extremely rich golden slurry to their waiting ships, then transport this golden slurry to China where they refine it into gold bullion. The Chinese then use the gold to purchase land, resources, houses, entire companies, and to buy off politicians in Canada and around the world. The Papuans were our allies in WWII, and now Australia and other western nations close their eyes to the atrocities committed by the Islamists, and close their hearts to the suffering of the Papuan people. The “savages” at aboriginal run casinos in Canada work hard to benefit from this Papuan wealth. Should Saskatoon build a casino and get a piece of the Papuan pie, we should use much of the profits to aid Papuans rather than Canadians. It’s funny how Canadian aboriginal Indians care little that much of the money pouring into their casinos originates from Western New Guinea and that the inhabitants there are facing genocide. This uncaring attitude of Canadian aboriginal Indians is largely due to them being Catholics, their concern is for their genitals and their blinkin’ trees rather than their fellow man. And when an earthquake and tidal wave struck Indonesia in 2004, Canadian “Christians” sent massive amounts of aid to the Islamists in Indonesia, for they too care little about the Papuan people. Many Indonesians were becoming massively wealthy from their theft of Papuan gold, and then in 2004 western churches began raising many hundreds of millions of dollars for the Islamists of Indonesia. Now Papuans are united in their adoption of Catholic fertility rites, they turn trees into decorated idols, pray to Mary and sing Jingle Bells…
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way
Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh…
Many Christians in American helped to elect and re-elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America, they voted for the sodomite because he appeared to share their values when he repeatedly posed besides trees turned into decorated idols. Together the Papuan gold and trees turned into blinkin’ idols were instrumental in electing and re-electing the homosexual Indonesian Islamist to power, and once in power Obama funded the massacre of Christians in the middle-east. But the American Christians still love Obama, for his blinkin’ trees were exceptionally decorated, Obama even turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead. The American and Canadian aboriginal natives are fond of Obama, even though his presidency was largely funded by the genocide of the Papuan natives in western New Guinea and area. It is an easy thing for Islamists to pretend to be Catholics as both groups harbor a great hatred for God’s Commandments. See the politicians pose next to the blinkin’ trees, it is a Catholic fertility rite, different aspects of this pagan winter holiday are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments. Politicians of all stripes are trying to get the Catholic votes and do so by adopting filthy Catholic traditions. The Canadian political parties are run by people who turn trees into decorated idols, they are so eager for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu votes that they promote these people within their parties, they guarantee that large percentages of the space in post secondary educational facilities be handed out to people of these alternative religious persuasions, they provide homes in Canada not only for the pagan “immigrants”, they provide homes for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu family members, cousins, and for entire villages (and give them free health care and such). Now about the only time we see a white woman on tv is when she is shown together with an Arab, Asian or African man in the role as her sexual partner.
The white people in North America turn trees into decorated idols and adopt other Catholic fertility rites, such as sticking a miniature Egyptian obelisk (penis) on the roofs of their church and on the top of their blinkin’ trees. They embrace pagan fertility rites and then give their nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. I criticized the pagan traditions in their churches and said that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and annually turn their homes and entire cities in blinkin’ temples of fertility while giving away homes to members of alternative fertility cults. These Catholics consider themselves rich, so rich that they can give entire nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. In the final days God uses His angels to bring destruction, don’t seek protection from angels is my advice. Anyway, to make a long story short, God is about to spread you folks out like dung and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!!
The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper and other media outlets throughout the western world used comics to teach people that Africans and South Sea Islanders were cannibals, they would depict white people in a cooking pot while black people or south sea islanders stood next to the pot and tended to the fires burning below. This continued well into the 1960’s but since then it is no longer politically correct to use the comics to denigrate the African people, while the South Sea Islanders are still periodically depicted as cannibals. Assorted churches (including the Seventh-day Adventist Church) published books explaining how their missionaries traveled to these distant lands and civilized the cannibals. The churches never quoted Scripture in their publications, nor from their pulpits, nor during their Bible Studies, that supported the existence of cannibals, instead they would teach of the existence of cannibals in Africa and the South Seas while censoring existence of cannibals in the “civilized” west. In 1988 I criticized this racism taught by the churches and faced arrest and the beginning of years of torture. Hollywood was systematically teaching people to seek power from supposedly magical rocks, was teaching people of the great benefits of engaging in witchcraft, and taught of the existence of ghosts as opposed to angels, but then in 1989 this changed with the release of “Silence of The Lambs” where a single cannibal was depicted as being real and active in the western world. So in 1989 Hollywood began to be more truthful in their teachings than the Christian churches, as the Christian churches continued to censor the existence of cannibals in the western world. In 1988 people began paying millions of dollars to have me tortured at the University of Saskatchewan (and later at Saskatoon City Hospital) for daring to speak of the existence of cannibals in the civilized west, then starting in 1989 they began spending millions of dollars to watch Hollywood movies depicting cannibals in the civilized west. Anyway, Scripture proclaims that God is about to spread you people out like dung over the surface of the earth, this is fair and I fully support it. Already God has begun to spread many of your apostate children out like dung, I not only support it, I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you folks think it hilarious that I get tortured by predominantly Brahmin Hindu psychiatrists, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious.
In February 2020 aboriginal protestors set up a blockade on 20th Street and Idylwyld Drive, the Saskatoon City Police responded by blocking additional streets in the area. Huge numbers of police officers and police cars were deployed to assist the aboriginal protestors to block streets. Tax money collected from the residents of the city should not be used to pay police officers to block traffic. The police in Canada have a duty to uphold the laws of Canada, not Catholic laws, not Islamic Sharia laws, not Chinese laws, not United States laws, not United Nations laws, nor First Nations laws. Should I become Mayor of Saskatoon, I will instruct our Aboriginal/Catholic police chief to stop using our police force to block streets and impede the flow of traffic. The Catholic law is to steal an obelisk (a pagan representation of a penis) from Egypt and erect it in the center of Vatican Square, then each winter to place a large evergreen tree turned into a decorated idol next to the stolen dink, and encourage the entire world to join with them in this pagan filth, while ramming their penises high up into your children’s arseholes. It is not appropriate for the police force in Saskatoon to celebrate Catholic laws and annually turn the police station into a blinkin’ temple of fertility. Nor is it appropriate to use the police force to arrest people who dare to criticize Catholic fertility rites. If our current Aboriginal/Catholic police chief continues to abide by First Nations laws and Catholic laws, then he should be prepared for a new job. Canadian laws should be applied equally to all Canadians. Annually turning the police station into a blinkin’ temple of fertility is an indication that the police are sworn to uphold Catholic laws. After police officers finish their shifts, then they may go home and turn their homes into blinkin’ pagan temples of fertility. And if Saskatoon city police officers desire to block streets, then they should attempt to do so when they are not on the clock. Catholic laws also include the censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism, police officers should not be arresting people and delivering them to Hindu, Islamic, Sikh or Catholic psychiatrists to be tortured when they dare to quote or refer to unpleasant Scriptures. The western churches and their media worked hard over the years to teach people that the cannibals in this world were isolated to Africa and the South Seas, while censoring acts of cannibalism committed by the “civilized” people in the west.
People accuse me of “lunacy” and being a “lunatic” while at the same time the “Christmas” and “Easter” celebrations they religiously observe are scheduled by the placement of the sun and the moon in the sky. Catholics defend their “solar and lunar location-based” religion by claiming those who are opposed are insane lunatics. They have me repeatedly arrested for daring to speak in opposition to their solar and lunar scheduled events, and their police would repeatedly drive me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan, which have four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) built into them, pointing up to the sun. They stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they cap their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols with Egyptian dinks, they drive me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan which incorporates the four Egyptian penises, and deliver me to a Hindu psychiatrist there who proclaims that I think too much about penises, and then sets to work to torture me with nauseous horrid drugs. Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm and here I was provided with a Hindu who told me that I think too much about penises. Later her Brahmin Hindu husband, who was similarly a psychiatrist, tortured me as well. Six week sessions that went on for years, I complain on the usenet and get accused of being a pedophile, people laugh and continue tithing to churches that have Egyptian penises on their roofs, they laugh and turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility. They borrow money from their children so they may build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford, and then laugh.
The first round of torture took place in the fall of 1988. Then the second time the police arrested me a police officer said “You have a history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” The third and subsequent times I was arrested, the officer said “You have a ‘long-term’ history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” So the City of Saskatoon police force is able to have people arrested and delivered to brutal horrid torture by proclaiming that it is tradition that the individual be arrested and tortured.
Canadians spent many millions of dollars having me repeatedly tortured, they continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and not a single person has the ability to blush over the issue. I lost year after year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and people respond by borrowing money from their children to build new psychiatric facilities in North Battleford, and then they publish obituaries proclaiming that their ignorant family members are up in heaven with Mary!!! People can’t find it in their hearts to even attempt to try to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. My best guess is that people are waiting for Jesus to return before they start to treat me with any respect or dignity, and good luck with that. People think they have the freedom in Christ to accuse others of lunacy and then work to have them arrested and tortured, they think themselves to be assured of heavenly rewards, but they confuse their immorality with immortality.
We all make judgments of who or what to love and who or what to hate. It used to be that the Priests of Fish-God Dagon would dress up in full length fish costumes and teach people to bow to decorated evergreen trees. There has been an evolution in Catholic thought where now their Priests of Dagon reduced the scope of their full length fish costumes and retain just the use of their fish-head hats. Most fish lay enormous numbers of eggs and so they are viewed of symbols of fertility, like the evergreen tree which was worshipped for centuries because they remain vibrant, green and fertile year around. Annually the Catholics at the Vatican turn a tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbols of fertility, like their fish-head hats. They arrested me for speaking and gave me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, but it wasn’t me who thought so highly of penises that I would stick a pagan dink in the center of Vatican Square or on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Our community requires a peaceful evolution in thought and action and not a violent revolution.
Peaceful evolution doesn’t begin with blocking roads, rail lines, nor pipe lines, nor does it include acts of arson or derailing trains, as acts such as these will only lead to violence and death. Traditional aboriginal beliefs involve talking to grandmothers before engaging in any actions, these grandmothers have their voices and power removed from them by Ottawa and by the corrupt chiefs on the reserves, then the young natives go out into the world without consulting their grandmothers. The corrupt chiefs steal reserve lands and hand the quarter sections out to their friends and family members, they ship grain grown on reserves to China, and grow and ship that grain using fuel coming from Islamic nations, and the ignorant youth respond by helping to stop Canadian energy self-sufficiency. And there is no precedent in Scripture that leads Christians to similarly block roads nor burn buildings, it is instead written that vengeance belongs to God. Saskatoon should set up a special building for indigenous grandmothers to meet and talk – when we arrest indigenous people for blocking streets, rail lines and pipe lines, then we can take them to their grandmothers and see if they have permission to set up those blockades. I think most natives living in cold Canada would like it if they had diesel fuel and propane to heat their homes.
Wife-beater Frank Jimmy Alec stole the title of an elected woman chief who was in favor of the propane pipeline cutting through her Wet’suwet’en territory. The aboriginals and environmentalists across Canada unite with the wife-beater and block streets and rail lines. Then “feminist” Justin Trudeau hands over funds to the wife-beater’s bogus First Nation company. Frank Jimmy Alec doesn’t get rewarded with a needle up his arse, he gets paid very well. The issue is “Canada” and the loss of our nation to Islamists who seek to control our energy self-sufficiency and our very laws, so of course Islamist Justin Trudeau is going to reward those people who help to destroy our nation. And of course Islamist Justin Trudeau will side with and negotiate with the wife-beater who stole the title of an aboriginal female leader rather than with the elected female leaders of the Wet’suwet’en band, for he is an Islamist, and Islamists systematically strip women of their voices, power and freedom. Saskatoon requires a special building for indigenous grandmothers to meet and talk. All the grandmothers have to do is stop spending money on tobacco for one single month and they will have the funds to build their own meeting place. But of course having grandmothers stop smoking for a single month and pool their money is an impossible task, so Saskatoon’s tax payers will likely have to foot the bill to set up a chamber for the grandmothers to meet. Sports groups, cadets and other organizations should be trying to raise funds for their clubs by recording bylaw infractions, then sharing the information and resulting fines with the city - as a result of their work we will issue fines to the filthy grandmothers who litter the streets with their filthy carcinogenic cigarette butts, in an effort to recoup our investment. Many grandmothers will arrive in rusty 40-year-old cars that have dreamcatchers hanging from their rear view mirrors and obscuring their vision, they will be issued fines for obscuring their vision and the money we collect from this source alone may be adequate for us to treat and provide clean drinking water for our entire community.
Now that the Fear Flu has started to make its way into Canadian communities, there is little to fear as the Sikh warrior heading the New Democratic Party has encouraged the Islamic warrior heading the Liberal Party to ensure that communities in northern Canada are provided with resources to combat the disease (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3). Both Sikhism and Islam are male dominated religions, both incorporate penises into their temple and mosque architecture, together they are on top of the issue, not to worry. Canadian aboriginals vote for these foreign-phallic-warriors while the male leaders on the reserves continue to strip women of their voices and power. The Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3) is reaching out for continued aboriginal support. The aboriginal youth flip-flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any given day, so are apt to continue to defend the Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance, because the “phallic aspect” of the alliance is held in common between all three groups.
The blacks invaded Canada resulting in the ignorant aboriginal youth whole-heartedly embracing black rap music, should the grain grown on reserves be diverted to Islamic nations instead of to China, expect the ignorant aboriginal youth to start wearing turbans and trying to grow beards. The native drum beats will fall silent - the only voices to be heard will be that of the Islamic calls to prayer, together with Doug Cuthand loudly proclaiming in the mainstream media that white people are “racists and rednecks” if they dare to oppose the male organized aboriginal rail blockades (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix February 29th 2020). Doug Cuthand speaks for all the grandmothers.
Inuit and aboriginal Indians have a history of warring against one another. The Fear Flu will help reduce or outright shut down oil and gas production - rather than transport limited fuel supplies north to Inuit communities, the remaining diesel fuel will be required for the new trucks driven by the male aboriginals in the southern aboriginal communities (for Doug Cuthand and his male aboriginal friends). The natives require their new GMC, Chevy and Ford trucks to help them get to and block the rail lines and derail trains. Over the last three or four centuries Catholic priests have been ramming their penises up the aboriginal children’s arseholes, some of these kids were given cash as a result of the abuse, and then used the cash to buy new trucks for themselves which of course require fuel and oil. Many of the new trucks and cars on the reserves were purchased from funds received as a result of priests sodomizing and otherwise abusing the native children, many of the other trucks were purchased by corrupt leaders who robbed their own band members. The Alberta and Saskatchewan aboriginal reserves require that the white farmers renting their reserve land have fuel and oil for their farm machinery, otherwise the grain will not be grown nor be shipped to China, and the end result is that money will not flow to their band offices for distribution to the chief and to “his” friends. Should Doug Cuthand’s male warriors continue to try to prevent propane, gasoline, oil and diesel fuel from being produced and reaching Inuit communities, the Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance will save the day and get the fuels to the Inuit after all (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3). When Canada collapses into civil war, the Inuit may find Russian ships bringing needed supplies to their northern communities so they won’t have to revert to burning blubber. “Thanks to the Russians, this is the first time we’ve ever had clean water,” one Inuit resident said. Other northern Inuit praised the Russian gold and silver coinage given to them in trade for their carvings. “When Justin sold our land to the Russians in the spring of 2022, things improved vastly,” said another, adding “but soon after the Russians ships that came were all crewed by Arabs. Now our coinage has Arabic script and our women and children are working in places like Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They say it’s really hot down there. At least we are not fighting against the Cree in Canada anymore.” (Mohammad Today, 17 Shaaban 1444, page 114).
With the collapse of the Canadian oil industry, outspoken Doug Cuthand (speaks for all the grandmothers) and his racist and sexist friends may have to trade their new trucks in for camels. Of course the male aboriginal youth will also end up riding camels to get to their construction jobs, where they will continue to help Graham Construction build more psychiatric torture facilities for the crazy people who are opposed to getting the trees to blink. Everybody doths it (said psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux), the entire damned lot of them have trees that blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Hitler too had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, he turned trees into the decorated idols and put the crazy people into special camps, for it is tradition, and tradition is the most important thing on planet earth.
As society collapses, Doukhobors should expect the loss of additional Doukhobor lands, should expect the aboriginal youth to start stealing their camels, and expect the Islamists to resume stealing the Doukhobor women. With the lack of fuel and oil, the Doukhobor women will be a hot commodity during the great tribulation, either pulling the plows across the prairies or servicing the sexual desires of Islamists in the no-go zones. Doukhobor women who are kidnapped and forced to service the sexual desires of the Islamists in the no-go zones should be aware that the police do not enter no-go zones, for it is tradition. And the tradition extends to women being sold and sent to Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic lands. Nobody in Canada cared too much that Doukhobor men and women were stripped of their land in Canada, nobody was outraged when Doukhobor children were removed from their families and placed into fenced compounds, so they can’t be expected to care too much when the Doukhobor women and children start getting shipped to Turkey, Iran and to other such resorts, again. When the Doukhobor women and children are sold into sexual slavery, the Doukhobor men will continue to embrace Catholic fertility rites, for it is tradition. The more the Doukhobors are persecuted, the greater their desire to embrace Catholic fertility rites and sing Jingle Bells - when Doukhobor women and children are sold into sexual slavery, the Doukhobor men will be sure to sing Jingle Bells and turn trees into decorated idols with even greater zeal. In order to avoid persecution Doukhobors in Canada anglicized their names, so when the Islamists resume kidnapping Doukhobor women and children, expect Doukhobors to start changing their names to Mohammad in an attempt to appease the invaders and fit in. Appeasement is the name of the game, in a democracy one requires votes from all religious groups, even if people want to cut your heads off you must continue to channel resources to them in order to keep getting their votes, in the hopes they do not cut your heads off. After all, six-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties proclaimed the fate of the women (Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442), and there is no arguing with it. For more information on appeasement and being nice, view Ann Barnhardt’s “Nice” video on YouTube.
Canadians are slaves who happily spend billions of dollars annually turning their homes, churches, cites and their entire nation into huge blinkin’ temples of fertility. I know that to most people this all sounds like crazy talk, but women across the world are sold out and made subservient by Aisha’s arsehole, or perhaps just by her shit-stained panties. And then to add to this misery another shit-stain has entered into the fray, Saint Greta has a cult following that is stopping the trains, and likely derailing them as well, she dothn’t want us to drive our trucks. I guess the downfall of women came in three major steps, it began with Eve’s poor choice of spiritual discretion, followed by Aisha’s shit-stained panties dictating the Koran (albeit while being worn by Mohammad), and terminates with Saint Greta’s stormtroopers destroying not just the Canadian oil industry, but all of western civilization. Other players in this end-times saga includes assorted people playing the roles of dupe, patsy and pigeon, all working in unison to destroy and enslave not just women but all of mankind.
See “Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World” by Mike Davis. Chinese emperors were well aware of the cyclical nature of weather and prepared for periodic crop failures by storing grain and then maintained the pre-famine prices of the grain. Any famine in China was exploited by the Islamists, who continually seek to overthrow all nations. El Nino and La Nina climate oscillations are reality and were seriously discussed in the media a couple of decades ago, but now this is replaced by the fiction of “global warming”. So rather than preparing for potential famines by growing and storing food supplies, now we have shit-stains seeking to stop food production and energy self-sufficiency.
If there is anybody in need of a needle up their arses, it is the teachers in the schools that teach children of a fictional climate apocalypse, teach children to turn trees into decorated idols, teach children to embrace Islam, and who teach children to embrace a homosexual lifestyle. The collapse of the Canadian oil industry, together with the continued shipment of grain to foreign nations, and together with the immigration of people who desire to cut our heads off, will lead to famine in Canada. In 1988 I spoke of the Bible warning us to prepare for seven years of adversity by storing food (Genesis 41) but was repeatedly arrested and tortured. Canadians are sick members of assorted fertility cults and deserve the loss of their nation to members of alternative fertility cults.
The Sikhs incorporate penises in the architecture of their Golden Temples, the Hindus too incorporate penises into their temple architecture, the Islamists too build penises into their Mosque architecture, and the so-called Christians cap their churches with Egyptian penises. Catholicism is a male dominated fertility cult, as is Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism, so it is not surprising that the Catholics employed a Hindu psychiatrist who told me that I think too much about penises… but again, it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick a dink on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
Filthy penis-whoreshipping Catholics (they have Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their filthy churches and an Egyptian dink in the center of Vatican Square) hired penis-whoreshipping Hindus (they gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm) to do their dirty work for them. Rather than end psychiatry, Catholics now train and employ Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists as well. They are training foreign-born students to become doctors, including psychiatrists, at the University of Saskatchewan, and Trudeau now allows these foreign-born psychiatrists to practice their “art” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. In my humble opinion, it is really very wrong to allow Iranian citizens and citizens of other Islamic nations, the right to torture Canadians with psychiatric drugs. Laws in Canada now allow employment to be given to non-Canadians without first advertising the job opening to Canadians, this allows for Islamists to import Pakistani gunsmiths and Iranian marksmen to teach their skills to fellow Islamists living in Canada. In Sweden they teach the newly arrived Islamists to march and shoot, but the teacher has to be a Swedish citizen. Again, in my humble opinion, it is really very wrong to allow Islamists to come to Canada and teach small scale gun manufacturing and marksmanship to their fellow Islamists.
Everybody collectively closes their hearts to the brutal suffering I and other victims of psychiatric horror was made to endure. Not a single one of you has so much compassion in their hearts to warrant you to even try to attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere, instead you filthy animals borrowed money from your children in order to build additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford!!! Your job wasn’t to buy me a holiday, your job was to show compassion to the people who had their rights stripped from them and assist them to flee the country, instead you continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning your homes and cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. Established Canadians are compassionless slaves who treat their fellow slaves with utter distain and contempt. And the new immigrants to Canada want good paying unionized jobs in the psychiatric torture facilities, so they may send money back home to their Catholic, Islamic, Hindu and Sikh families.
Satan dwells in Justin Trudeau’s heart, he is angry with the woman and her seed, it is the white people of European descent who are the main reservoir of Christianity, the white people will ultimately be exterminated in the war against Christianity and Christian values. Christians of all colors are targeted, but the white people have a special place in Satan’s heart because the vast majority of them either worship Jesus instead of him, or they think more highly of Jesus than him.
Justin Trudeau said “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." And indeed he is replacing us. And of course he is going to allow a flood of people from around the world to continue to illegally cross our border, and of course will not be checking the newly arrived if they are sick with whatever, for he wants us to roll over and die. One of his best acts of warfare was to allow non-Canadians to work in Canada, even without having the job first advertised to established Canadians. And then there is the issue shutting down our energy sector while supporting Islamic oil. And then there is the issue of underfunding our military and sending them out of country to prop up one group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women. And then there is the issue of handing our military over to Sikh warriors. And then the issue of designing the carbon tax so the greatest proportion of the money raised and rebated goes to the largest families (the Islamists with the four wives). And then there is the issue of allowing the Chinese unfettered access to our resources and allowing them to sue us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to our resources. And then there is the issue of the University of Saskatchewan and other universities reserving seats in different colleges, including The College of Medicine, and train Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to become psychiatrists, and allow them “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. And then there is the issue of Trudeau borrowing money from banks which they make out of thin air, and at compound interest, rather than printing debt-free money and rather than paying people in gold and silver coins. And then there is the issue of Trudeau threatening to impose martial law if we dare to leave our houses while he allows a continued influx of Chinese and Islamists to arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. And then there is the biggest issue of them all, the height of your living room ceiling, for the taller the ceiling, the taller the tree. Justin Trudeau is an Islamist, they wage war on a very large front and with great deception, and have the nicest trees. Trudeau and his council of Islamists works overtime inventing ways to bankrupt Canada, to hand our nation over to Islamists, to make us slaves, to exterminate us. Obama did the very same to Americans when he was president, both Trudeau and Obama are advised by the same Islamic Sharia council and their leader is Charles.
The totalitarian Communist government of China suppressed the knowledge of the virility of their Chinese Virus, then the outbreak of Chinese Virus in China began to spread across China and into other nations. Trudeau responded by shipping Chinese-made medical supplies back to China. Trudeau then continued to allow a constant stream of Chinese to fly to Canada, when they arrived he did not isolate them nor check their temperatures. The Chinese media now assures the world that they no longer have the virus in China, that they have cured themselves, and so they should continue to be allowed to fly from China to Canada and to other nations. Canadians are largely under house arrest, our American border is closed while the Chinese soldiers may still fly in. There are certainly more Chinese soldiers and also Islamic soldiers in Canada than we have Canadian soldiers. And the Americans are suffering horribly, they still want to come to Canada to hunt and fish. Everybody is asleep, God has shut your eyes and minds, the only thing that matters to people is the height of their blinkin’ trees and their ability to go shopping, hunting and fishing. The Chinese virus continually mutated and became not unlike a common cold, but the danger remains as China is manipulating and weaponizing other bat virus.
Canadians allow the loss of their nation because they are “nice” (see Ann Barnhardt - Nice on YouTube), and only really care about getting their trees to blink. The situation is similar to the Americans electing and re-electing a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America because “Obama” (not even his real name) posed in front of trees that were lavishly decorated and so appeared to share the American values (see Ann Barnhardt - Obama Closet Homosexual on YouTube). The American identity has become one big Catholic fertility rite, and the American general pubic responds by blaming Jews for all their problems. The Jewish tradition is to teach people about God and His Commandments, the Catholic tradition is to denigrate and persecute Jews and to teach people to bow to blinkin’ trees. The American tradition is to vote for homosexual Indonesian Islamists when they have nicely decorated trees. That homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, these soldiers did not give their lives to defend Catholic fertility rites. When the homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, it made Americans happy, so happy that they broke out in song… Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way… The happy Americans adopted Catholic fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells, and blamed Jews for all their problems. The homosexual Indonesian Islamic President of The United States of America made Americans happy, or at least content enough so they could relax and go hunting and fishing in Canada. The Americans had an Islamic president, and their response was to embrace Catholic fertility rites, sing Jingle Bells, proclaim that Jews ran the world, and go hunting and fishing in Canada.
The church separated at the Protestant Reformation, and then later the Protestants in England began to teach people to adopt Catholic fertility rites – the Reformation was replaced with the Catholic Counter-Reformation, glitter and blinkin’ lights, and increased persecution against the Jews, Doukhobors and such. The covens in the English monarchy are on increasingly better terms with the covens at the Vatican. Saskatoonians are looking forward to Prince Charles becoming King and starting a new era of ecumenical love where Buddha, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Mohammad and Zoroaster are all praised in both Protestant and Catholic churches, anything less will be considered hate speech and people will be penalized (persecuted, tortured, crucified, beheaded, killed).
Maybe the Islamists invaded and you’re losing your nation because you have your trees blinkin’ at the wrong frequency, maybe your trees were just too short or decorated with too many blinkin’ green lights and not enough blinkin’ red lights. Maybe you aren’t using an adequate amount of tinsel on your blinkin’ trees. The gold and silver balls you hang on your trees are representations of the sun and the moon, maybe you had too many golden sun balls, maybe not enough silver moon balls. The Brahmin Hindus and the Catholics could only torture me for six weeks at a time, as that is what the government permitted. People are ok with it as they do not want their churches and traditions criticized. It does not matter to Canadians that they employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to torture people who criticize their Catholic fertility tree traditions, for anybody who dares to criticize blinkin’ trees is supposedly deserving of such treatment. The monarchy and the blinkin’ trees have become Canadian and American identities, people fight in defense of the monarchy and the blinkin’ Catholic trees because they are tradition and tradition is simply the most important thing on earth (if your parents are Hindus then you will be a Hindu too).
About twenty or so years ago I had a dream of Saskatoon. I was on the 400 block of Second Avenue North, it was summer (or at least there was no snow), the street was deserted, there was no life at all, no indication that there was any life at all in the entire city, there were neither people nor animals present. The few cars on the street were neatly parked, none of the cars nor building were damaged in any way. I looked through the front window of a business at #3-411 Second Avenue North, it was a small Asian restaurant and contained rows of corpses covered in clean white sheets.
About the same time I had a dream of a sickly elderly bedridden white woman, her narrow bed was attached to a wall in a stairwell located between the first and second floors of a house converted to suites on 12th Street near Five Corners. People had to squeeze by her when they walked up and down the stairs. If I were to become mayor of Saskatoon, I would see a shortage of hospital beds, and would remind my constituents that they spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years at The Royal University Hospital and at Saskatoon City Hospital. And I’d suggest they go and buy themselves some toilet paper and encourage them to try to manage their money a bit better.
And about the same time I dreamt of a tiny viper in the kitchen, because it was so small nobody thought the snake to be a threat. The snake fled under the refrigerator and was temporarily forgotten. Soon after many dozens of vipers poured out from under the refrigerator and filled the home.
Canadians are slaves who are paid in paper promises rather than real money, which is gold and silver coins. The paper money is made by the banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the government at compound interest, then the government gives the borrowed “money” away to people in the third world (including to Islamists), or to third world people living here (including to Islamists), and has Canadians pay the compound interest on the loan while leaving principal intact and much much too big to pay. Our leader, Justin Trudeau, converted to Islam, so of course he gives huge amounts of this paper money he borrowed, to Islamists. He also takes that “money” that Canadians worked for, and gives that tax “money” to the Islamists as well. Borrowing more paper “money” from the banks (and at compound interest) is inflating the paper money supply, this inflation of the paper money supply results in the paper being worth less, then more paper “money” is required to purchase consumer goods. So in addition to Trudeau taking tax “money” from Canadians to give to his foreign friends, he enslaves Canadians with additional debt and utter poverty. Trudeau said that he would replace us, by forcing people into poverty he will prevent many from being able to purchase a firearm to protect themselves.Trudeau is an absolute genius, he fumbles around like a clown, but his plan to fund Islamists and exterminate white people is working. White farmers in South Africa are being exterminated, they are ignored while Trudeau pays the airfare for many blacks to come here from Africa, then puts them up in hotels or pays their mortgages. Islamists slaughtered the Christians in the middle-east, then they came to Canada with the money they stole, and were allowed to keep that money and go on welfare. Many of the Islamists have four wives, each with a house paid for by taxpayers, they didn’t really have to kill the Christians in the middle-east and take their money, for in Canada they have their house mortgages and food covered by the taxpayers (the white slaves). Now, in the summer of 2020, black people in America are chanting to kill the whites and are looting and burning down their stores, sure glad we live in Canada, such a thing would never happen here (I’m joking, most of the black people we allowed to come to Canada recently absolutely hate white people). Americans have the money to fly up north to fish and hunt. Some Americans hunters land in Saskatoon with twelve-gauge shotguns that are superbly machined and intricately engraved with gold inlay, they come with shotguns costing many thousands of dollars. Saskatoon in many ways is like Port Morseby, the rich foreign travelers land at our airports and then immediately catch connecting flights away from the crime infested cities. If the American sportsmen were aware that the CIA was involved in funding torture research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon for several decades, they still would not venture into the city to see the facilities their tax dollars helped to purchase, they would be catching the connecting flight out of Saskatoon with even less delay.
Trudeau floods our nation with Islamists because he has a hatred of the European old stock Canadians, says that the Europeans are replaceable and that he will indeed replace us. But Trudeau’s loyalty is divided, on one hand he loves Islam, but on the other hand he bends over backwards catering to the Chinese, either way he is replacing us. He orders the unpleasant old stock European Canadians to stay confined to their homes, and then allows Islamists and Chinese to continue to fly in to Canada from Covid-19 infected countries, and doesn’t even check their temperatures at the airport, nor gives them masks, nor places them in quarantine, for Trudeau has given away tons of masks and other medical supplies to China. The unpleasant old stock European Canadians hear about all of this, and also hear that they exchanged God’s Commandments for Catholic blinkin’ evergreen tree traditions, and they also hear that I was tortured in psychiatric facilities for years for daring to say so, but they only care about their blinkin’ trees. These Canadian people annually spend billions of dollars turning their churches, homes and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they care little that they spent many millions of dollars having me brutally tortured at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital for daring to criticize their pagan fertility traditions. They claim to know the truth and are utterly compassionless.
Indians in Canada are now a free people when they are on their reserves, they are on land that cannot be removed from them, unless they are sitting on gold, diamonds or a golf course, they appeal to their ancestors, the Satanic crown and to the Islamic run United Nations for support. White Europeans think they own land in Canada but will lose it like the white Doukhobors they mocked - the Doukhobors had their land removed from them by the government, and then the other white people laughed at the Doukhobors when the Canadian government took their land away, they laughed at the Doukhobors and then bought the developed Doukhobor farms for themselves for a small handful of silver dollars. Later the government removed children from the Doukhobor families and kept them segregated. Now I live in Saskatoon and am surrounded by Moslems, while most white people around me harbor a hatred of both Christians and Jews, other white people are supposedly Christians who laugh at me for criticizing their blinkin’ trees, it is tradition, they say. White people in Canada cannot depend on the support of native aboriginal people in Canada, during the great tribulation Moslems, Sikhs, Chinese and Aboriginal Indians will likely all be shooting at white people, while some of the white people persecute other white people. Canada is more corrupt than Russia.
It might be a wise move for white people in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and USA to emigrate to the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and try to make a final stand there. We could collectively transfer our wealth and factories to Yakutia, and design communities that help secure our futures there. Perhaps we’ll cross paths along the River Lena and meet for tea in Yakutsk. Or perhaps it would be best to mass emigrate to Magadan and set up several communities there, perhaps next to or near the Kolyma Hiway, at Sinegore perhaps. Magadan is considerably warmer than Yakutia. Whichever Russian province we emigrate to would benefit greatly by the wealth, resources and manpower we bring along, and by the gold and other resources we mine there.
We can’t very well emigrate en masse to Sweden, for if people don’t want to confront the Islamic invasion here, they similarly would not want to confront the Islamic invasion there. It dothn’t sound smart to emigrate to a nation that teaches Islamic youth to march in uniform and shoot (plus the Islamists are tossing hand grenades around in Swedish communities and commit huge amounts of rapes against the Swedish children and women). We could emigrate en masse to Norway or Finland and try to protect either nation from Sweden. We can’t emigrate en masse to Poland as the topography offers little defense and the people pray to Mary - there would be religious conflict. I think people would be less likely to face psychiatric torture and Islamic invasion in the Sakha Republic (or Magadan or Chukotka or Kamchatka Krai or Krasnoyarsk Krai or Irkutsk) than in Canada, or Poland, that puts the Sakha Republic and vicinity on my short list. With a “safety in numbers” mindset, a fairly massive amount of us may choose to emigrate to Yakutia or thereabouts and bring all of our wealth and many of our metal working tools with us, again, we would be a big benefit to any nation that allows us to emigrate. Note that independent journalist Rasul Yagudin would not recommend that we emigrate to Russia, for as in Canada, people there are tortured and killed in psychiatric facilities.
Restoring The American Republic:
“When a superior officer issues a command to wage war against the natural rights of the American people, that officer identifies himself as the domestic enemy you swore to defend against. The Constitution for the United States of America grants only those powers necessary to secure our rights, which is their lawful duty… Every officer, civilian and military, has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, not the demands or orders of the chain of command in defiance of the Constitution. When the chain of command defies the oath it becomes the duty of the soldier to defy the chain of command…” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, February 20 2014
“Unknown to most Americans, we’re under attack every day by the corporations posing as our governments today. Every time you’re told to ask permission to exercise what is a natural right and you obey, you’re converting that right into a privilege and enslaving yourself to usurpers. When you apply for a permit to improve your own property, you’re handing over your property rights to bureaucrats and showing that you truly do not own it. In America, free men hold their property in allodial and are literally kings on that land. Most people today are tenants on the land they spend a fortune on; paying rent to the true owners in the form of property tax. When you apply for a permit to own or carry a firearm, you’re asking permission from your master. Free men do not ask permission to be armed, slaves do. Free men would shoot the servant that attempted to disarm him, because allowing the usurpation is not only stripping you of your right to defend yourself from bodily harm, but also the ability to defend everything you possess. When you ask permission to travel by obtaining a license to drive, you’re allowing others to regulate that travel and restrict your ability to do so. The ability to travel from place to place is a Natural Right, not subject to the edicts of government.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, August 24 2016
May 1st 2021 11:08 am 68,187 words
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Women and children, both on reserves and off reserves, should be encouraged to continue hunting and fishing, as society will collapse and there will be no resources freely handed out to them. Rifles firing the Winchester .243 caliber cartridges are great as they are easily fired by people of smaller stature, and the bullet has just enough power to kill the predatory wild boars, cougars, wild dogs, wolves and is adequate for harvesting deer. People new to hunting and considering their first rifle should seriously consider the many benefits of owning a rifle calibrated to firing the .243 Winchester, shooting at a pack of wild dogs with just a .22 rimfire or .22 Hornet rifle can get you killed. Some people predict that the wild boar population in Saskatchewan will soon exceed the number of people in the province, insanity is to prevent people in the countryside, or in the city, to have the means to defend themselves. Like the witches, the cougars and the wild boar eat people. And there are rabid animals in the countryside that have no fear of humans. The corrupt chiefs on the reserves should have made resources available to the women and children so they could obtain rifles, and should have allowed them to benefit each Treaty Day and obtain the boxes of bullets they were eligible for when they were freely being handed out annually by the RCMP officers. The Islamic Canadian and other western governments are manufacturing weapons and then selling or freely gifting these weapons to people who want to cut our heads off. Huge arms shipments sent by western nations to Islamic nations are written off when the recipient nations fail to pay their bills, and then the taxpayers are made to cover the debt. We should instead be making guns for our own people, teaching them to care for the weapons and to discharge them accurately. Or instead of adopting the .243 Winchester, teach your children, spouse or grandma to be skilled in shooting the .338 Lapua Magnum or the .50 caliber BMG, they are better for defense against bears and are recommended by veterans for sniping and counter-sniping. Avoid a rifle of less power than a .243 Winchester as you will need the additional power to pierce the hide and bones of a charging thick-skinned animal. If you want to try your luck with a slightly larger caliber than .243 Winchester, then consider the .270 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington or the 7mm Remington Magnum. From what I’ve read, I think that most people would be better served with a semi-auto .243 Winchester than with rifles calibrated to .223, 270, 7mm-08, 7mm Remington. .308 or 30-06, unless your primary purpose is to kill moose, elk, elephants, rhinoceros, or bears. And if your primary purpose is to kill those big game animals, then you are better served by yet larger calibers. Personally I believe that people are in need of rifles to defend themselves from other people.
Consider buying one of those new fangled light-weight “mountain rifles,” but get one in .243 Winchester (it would be nice to have fixed iron sights on the barrel and with a carbon fiber stock), and weighs around five pounds with an empty magazine, for your child, spouse or kokum (for your grandmother). Those light-weight mountain rifles are available in larger calibers but those larger calibers produce a lot more heat for the light-weight barrels, and when your barrel gets too hot you lose accuracy. A lot of children will want to get mountain rifles under their blinkin’ trees or for their birthdays. Anyway, my main message to the kids is to always oil your firearms, if you fire them then the heat removes the oil inside the barrel and then the inside of the barrel will start to rust. When you cover the inside of the barrel with oil, then it will not rust. And if you are holding a beer, a joint and a rifle and you are trying to get over or under a barbed-wire fence, my advice is to make sure not to spill your beer, and then remember to pick up your rifle if you lay it down. A mountain rifle in 7mm-08 might be nice (equipped with iron sites would be nicer), together with a good scope and sling, it might be adequate to defend from bears and harvest moose, but such a light-weight rifle will give a bit of a kick. If your kid dothn’t want a .243 mountain rifle under their blinkin’ tree or for their birthday, instead consider getting him or her a heavier rifle in .338 Lapua Magnum or in .50 caliber BMG. Seniors with brittle bones may have their shoulder bones broken when firing a .338 Lapua, they may be better served with the less powerful .243 Winchester or a 7mm-08 Remington calibrated rifles. There is a myriad of calibers between .243 Winchester and .338 Lapua that are suitable for defense, similarly there is a myriad of calibers between .338 Lapua and .50 BMG that are similarly suitable for defense, my thought was that it would be wise to encourage people to purchase a rifle calibrated to at least .243 Winchester as anything less could be underpowered for defense against the wild boar and other thick-skinned predators, while purchasing calibers “between” .338 and .50 (such as .375, .408 and .416) would result ammo supply issues. People new to firearms and wanting their first rifle should consider getting a common caliber to make it easier to obtain ammo, such as .243 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington and .308 Remington. Longer ammunition includes the .270 Winchester, .300 Win. Mag., and the 30-06 Springfield, but rifles chambered for these longer shells will weigh considerably more than a mountain rifle, and they too will be outgunned by the heavier yet .338 Lapua and .50 BMG. If you can’t find a .243 Winchester or 7mm-08 Remington or .308 Winchester and somebody offered you a cheap .270 Winchester or .30-06 Springfield you should seriously consider buying it. If your kid wants a lever action rifle consider giving him or her a Browning Lever Action in .243 or .308 Winchester. Break the Kung Flu quarantine and buy some ammo for yourself. Make use of a .243 or .270 Winchester, or the .308 and the 7.62x51mm, until you can find yourself a .338 Lapua or .50 BMG. A Remington 1100 12 gauge semi-auto or pump shotgun might be nice, the semi-autos have less recoil and should be preferred by the seniors with the brittle bones. If you give your kid a pellet gun, or a single shot .22, or a single shot .243, they are likely to be raped and pissed on before they are beheaded. Americans should consider sending some of their old surplus generation 3 night vision optics to Canada.
I know this gun talk is all a little technical and a little confusing, maybe have more faith in your children and ask them which caliber they prefer before you buy them their rifles. Some kids will not care which caliber they get and will instead only care about the color of the rifle, if that is the case just give such kids bolt action rifles calibrated to .338 Lapua and be done with it, the heavy weight of the rifle and the recoil will help toughen them up. It is better for the kids to learn to be tough and responsible citizens than to be attending a Catholic Church and learning to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Rather than endlessly debating the issue of which caliber of rifle to provide for your child, just get him or her a rifle in .243 Winchester or .338 Lapua and let them practice. The great thing about rifles in .338 Lapua and .50 BMG, is that we have soldiers serving in the Canadian Armed Forces that would love to have one of these long reaching rifles, so if your kid loses interest in the hobby (or gets killed), there will be a demand for his or her rifle and you will probably get your money back. Instead of just giving Canadian soldiers a tarp and a jeep, we should consider giving them a decent rifle as well.
I used to advise people to prepare for a prolonged period of adversity and save a seven-year supply of food (Genesis 41), but I think it is too late for that and so now I advise people to buy rifles for their children. This is in part because we have a Canadian Prime Minister who is intent upon replacing the unpleasant Canadians of old stock white European descent.
Trudeau has a new carbon tax and carbon tax rebate program where the biggest families get the biggest rebates, he rewards those who use the most carbon with the biggest of the carbon tax rebates. Again, the bigger the families, the more carbon they consume; and the more carbon they consume, the more they collect in carbon tax rebates. The Islamist male claims for all four houses and for each of his four wives, and for the great multitudes of children, so of course he gets the greatest “Trudeau Carbon Tax Rebate”. In second place for receiving the largest amount of “Trudeau Carbon Tax Rebates” are the friends and family members of that original Islamist male, for he sponsors and entices entire villages to come to Canada. The First Nations Aboriginals get the third greatest amounts of “Carbon Tax Rebates” because their families are smaller than the Islamic families with the four houses and four wives, and smaller in number than the families and friends coming here from Islamic lands, indeed more Islamists arrived to Canada in the last 20 years than we have First Nations people remaining. All three groups blame Whitey for their problems. Members from each group want to gain high paying unionized employment as janitors or food service providers or nurses or doctors in the psychiatric wards. Some are happy just building the new psychiatric facilities to house the “crazy” people. The Islamists systematically commit polygamy and daily import their Khat, they do not face penalty but are rewarded with increased welfare allowances and continue to purchase courier outlets and transport trucks to assist them to move weapons and drugs around the nation with impunity.
Some First Nations people buy Chinese-made fentanyl from Islamists and hope to profit from that. Recently the police caught two Islamists in Toronto who had enough fentanyl to kill all Canadians about a dozen times over. When some of the First Nations drug dealers hear about the large available quantities of this “drug”, their hope is for lower wholesale prices. We will be affected both positively and negatively in our interactions with these pagans when they visit or raise their large families in our cities, or when they come here to plunder, maim and kill. Expect more people to die from fentanyl overdoses as some of those trafficking in fentanyl desire that people die from the drugs they push. Some people will continue to die from fentanyl overdoes without them being aware they have consumed any drugs at all – some people are being purposely murdered with fentanyl and others are getting away with it. Saskatoonians are more likely to face a massive cloud of fentanyl released from upwind rather than experience bombings and beheadings, and Trudeau’s Islamic media will continue to downplay the deaths while continually referring to Mohammad as “The Holy Prophet”. Indeed, Trudeau is giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the assorted mainstream media outlets so they can continue to censor murders and proclaim that Mohammad is holy. In Edmonton and other cities the media doesn’t even report the murders if the murderer was apprehended, as they claim the threat is contained and so there is no need to report on it, and so Mohammad Mohammad may now murder both Jones and Moosehunter and few will ever learn of the event.
Both the Chinese who manufacture the fentanyl, and the Islamists who traffic large quantities of the fentanyl, are simply overjoyed that First Nations people are engaged in assisting them in killing both the reds and whites in America and Canada. Those First Nations people who successfully push the fentanyl will be buying bigger houses with the taller ceilings, so they may annually feather these nests with bigger trees that they decorate to bigger degrees, for as Dr. Marcoux said, “everybody does it” (everybody turns trees into decorated idols and so therefore I am insane to criticize the practice).
There is absolutely nothing more important on earth than violating God’s first three Commandments by turning trees into decorated idols and calling the pagan fertility rite “Christmas”. While your Catholic children die from diseases, accidents and murders, the Catholic parents will hang pictures of their dead Catholic children on their blinkin’ Catholic trees and make claims in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix obituaries that the child is now up in heaven with Mary, watching over and protecting us from evil. The Catholics not only talk to the dead, they pray to the dead and ask the dead for favors, they do that rather than talk to and worship God. The Catholics honor traditions instead of Commandments, they happily violate God’s first four Commandments for the sake of their traditions, and think little of the remaining six. The result is criminal behavior, sickness and death, and costs the citizens and the City of Saskatoon money. Again, we may mitigate the economic losses by getting the Catholic Church to post a $3 billion performance bond. As the Protestant churches push Catholic fertility rites, they too are Catholic churches, and so the Protestant Churches can help cover that $3 billion performance bond. The Buddhists, Hindus, Moslems, Sikhs and Zoroastrians should each similarly post $3 billion performance bonds to the city, as all have teachings that result in crimes and economic losses to the city. Even if we are unable to find the Zoroastrians and collect the performance bond from them, we should have some money left over to build TIG welding facilities and teach the skill to our unemployed and underemployed. The Zoroastrians are sneaky people, they are hard to find but they are here, hiding. As Mayor of Saskatoon, I promise to spend time searching for them, to get the money from them, for the city. After all, if everybody else is paying $3 billion performance bonds to the city, the Zoroastrians should too.
And of course these Catholics will defend the honor of their murdered or smitten children by lodging complaints to the Catholic police in the hopes of having me arrested and tortured in Catholic psychiatric facilities, again, for daring to criticize their pagan traditions, again. You people are all just one big joke, waiting patiently for “Christmas” to come once again, so you may sacrifice another tree and tithe to a church capped with an Egyptian dink. Some of you Catholics even cap your blinkin’ trees with Egyptian penises. Just as you think it funny that I get repeatedly arrested and tortured for daring to criticize your traditions, I think the deaths of your children is equally hilarious. Catholics employ Hindus and members of other fertility cults to do their dirty work for them and torture people who dare to criticize their Catholic fertility cult, then they purchase ads in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper proclaiming that their smitten family members are up in heaven with Mary, looking down from heaven, watching over and protecting us. The Catholic Church is the same now as it always has been, they torture and kill their opponents every century. We should end psychiatry in Saskatoon and get the Catholic Church to post the $3 billion dollar performance bond.
My dad, Samuel Kabatoff, passed away on November 1st 2018 (shortly after getting another flu shot), he served as a police officer for the City of Saskatoon for many years. About a week before Sam passed away he repeated the story to me, he said that there used to be two buildings side by side, one occupied by priests, the other by nuns, and that the two buildings had a very narrow space between them. The buildings were demolished to make way for the court house on Spadina Crescent, and during that demolition there were a number of children’s skeletons found in that narrow space. Sam said the discovery of the human remains was kept secret as the Catholics in the police force and courts of law are above the law and believe themselves to be God on earth.
Sam’s death necessitated that his surviving family members meet with banking officials to remove his name from bank accounts, so we went to a branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce where we were directed to the office of an Iranian woman - she was an Iranian citizen and not a Canadian citizen – who completed the required paperwork. Prime Minister Trudeau recently made it legal for companies to hire foreign nationals for jobs in Canada with the companies no longer having to offer the position to Canadians first. Saskatoon City Hall is in on this as has begun employing Islamists and other people from foreign lands that do not hold Canadian citizenship.
Seats at the medical schools at the University of Saskatchewan in Regina and Saskatoon are given to hundreds of Saudi Arabian and other Islamic students so they may learn to become doctors, some are trained to specialize in psychiatry, and they may practice this psychiatry (they may torture Canadians) at Canadian psychiatric facilities without them being Canadian citizens, and they may even practice the “art” without having yet graduated from the college. In Sweden they train the newly arrived Islamists to march and become sharp shooters, but the teacher who trains them is a Swedish citizen, while in Canada we may now fly in marksmen from Islamic nations and give them jobs teaching the skills here to their fellow Islamists, without any of them being Canadian citizens. People respond by borrowing money to build new and larger torture facilities in the city of North Battleford and upgrade the torture facilities in Saskatoon. Many people in Saskatoon were sleeping in bushes along the river bank and under bridges, and three levels of government (city, provincial and federal) ignored the homeless and instead met Islamists at our airport and welcomed them to the city and assisted them with housing and other expenses.
Many of those Canadians who were homeless found it rather difficult to obtain employment due to criminal records from non-violent marijuana convictions or from other non-violent crimes they committed during their youths, often decades earlier. Now marijuana is legal but they still have criminal records and continue to be excluded from most jobs and educational programs. Khat remains illegal but the Islamists fly the drug in daily and distribute it with their network of courier franchises and trucking companies. More drugs and violence comes to us from Mexico and Trudeau no longer requires visas for the Mexican murderers when they come to Canada. The Chinese are shipping enough fentanyl into North America to kill everybody here many times over. The Islamists killed Christians in foreign lands and took their money, houses and land, then they came to Canada with this stolen wealth and were allowed to keep ”their savings” for their own discretionary uses while they were given taxpayer funds to start new lives here.
In many Canadian communities the only businesses that allow smoking in their premises are hookah bars that cater to the middle-eastern Islamists. Our slave owners decide which particular people may have which particular freedoms. The Christians are having their lives shortened and are marginalized, they are hated for their worship of Jesus and for attempting to honor His Commandments, they are hated for telling Catholics that their pagan fertility rites are in opposition to Scripture, they are hated for daring to point out that the Koran is but a pile of bogus blasphemy - this “blasphemous crap” was communicated to Mohammad via 6-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties (Hadith Number 2442), and most Canadian Christians are hated for having white skin.
There is no better way to marginalize the children of white European descent than to give them criminal records for marijuana possession, then based on that or on another minor non-violent conviction prevent them from obtaining post-secondary education and jobs, and prevent them from obtaining gun licenses so they may hunt or protect themselves. The white kids are actively given hurdles to prevent gun ownership while the RCMP go to the reserves and annually hand out valuable boxes of high power ammunition to Indians that hold no gun licenses whatsoever. The white kids that do manage to obtain the necessary paperwork to purchase a firearm should be reminded that the Canadian constitution doesn’t recognize your right to own neither a gun nor land, and that the gun and/or land you paid for may be removed from you at any time. The white kids are targeted and systematically taught to start ramming their penises up each other’s arseholes, while at the same time are being educated in the schools to become Moslems. Similar issues are now playing out in The United States of America and in other western nations.
We read in the Hadith Number 2442 that when Mohammad wore 6-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties, the panties talked and dictated the Koran. Mohammad took off Aisha’s talking shit-stained panties and tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls, but those other panties would not talk, so Mohammad put Aisha’s shit-stained panties back on and her shit-stained panties resumed dictating the Koran (from the Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442). And now that we have Aisha’s shit-stained panties dictating laws to Canadians, this adversely affects lives of people living in Saskatoon. As a possible candidate for Mayor of The City of Saskatoon, I’d like to make it clear that I am opposed to this “Sharia Law” that Aisha’s shit-stained panties proclaimed.
There is no precedent in Scripture of shit-stained panties proclaiming an end to God’s Commandments, let alone ever talking. God’s prophets were united in defense of His Commandments, while Aisha’s shit-stained panties never mentioned God’s Commandments. Mohammad can’t be a prophet of God because he only received instruction from Aisha’s shit-stained panties, and these instructions never mentioned God’s Commandments, nor did the instructions include a single prophecy. And neither Aisha nor her shit-stained panties are prophets of God, for neither Aisha, nor her shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God’s Commandments, nor did either utter a single prophecy.
God’s prophets are united in defense of God’s Commandments, if Aisha’s shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God’s Commandments, then Aisha’s shit-stained panties could possibly have a claim of being a prophet of God. But Aisha’s shit-stained panties neither uttered prophecy nor did they speak in defense of God’s Commandments. If Mohammad wore the talking shit-stained panties while the talking shit-stained panties spoke in defense of God’s Commandments and at the same time were uttering prophecy, this still won’t result in Mohammad being a prophet of God, because it was the shit-stained panties that prophesized and not Mohammad. Likely Mohammad put six-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties on because they were talking while Aisha was wearing them, although the panties belonged to Aisha an event such as this one needs to be shared. You certainly can’t blame Aisha if her shit-stained panties started talking. And you can’t blame Mohammad, I’m pretty sure that most anybody who came across a six-year-old little girl who’s shit-stained panties were talking, would similarly remove them and try them on for him or herself, just to see if the shit-stained panties would continue to talk. Years later Stalin came along and got the little kids to build composite Yaks that saved Russia from utter ruin, but it is Mohammad that is greatly loved instead. Anyway, today Aisha’s shit-stained panties are likely located in the basement of the Vatican and are viewed as a valuable relic, there they continue talking but are now coated with semen as well.
It needs to be noted that before Mohammad removed Aisha’s shit-stained talking panties, that he heard a voice coming from the region of her anus. How did Mohammad know that the voice was coming from six-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties rather than her anus? Clearly Mohammad would have had to remove her panties in order to determine where exactly the voice was coming from. It is likely that the talking spirit originally resided in Aisha’s rectum and then later migrated to her shit-stained panties. There remains a possibility that Hadith Number 2442 is in error, that the Koran was not dictated by Aisha’s shit-stained panties at all but instead by Aisha’s arsehole. But even if that were the case, since the voice never defended God’s Commandments nor uttered prophecy, Aisha clearly has no claim of being a prophet of God. And furthermore, the western media (owned by the Catholic Church) has no basis to be calling the murderous pedophile “The Holy Prophet”. Regardless, now in Saskatoon and other western communities, the residents give free houses to the newly arrived Islamists and allow these Islamists to try on their daughter’s panties as well.
People should consider reading Hadith 2442 for themselves, when I read the passage it is pretty clear to me that it was Aisha’s shit-stained panties that dictated the Koran, to say otherwise would be udder heresy. The scribe who witnessed the birth of the Koran and documented it in Hadith Number 2442 would have been astounded to hear Aisha’s shit-stained panties talking, no doubt. But again, how was the scribe to know if the voice came from Aisha’s shit-stained panties rather than from her anus? Only if the shit-stained panties spoke while Mohammad wore them, and if at the same time Aisha’s anus was not uttering any Koranic passages, could we be reasonably assured that indeed, it was Aisha’s panties that spoke and dictated the Koran.
I imagine the scribe was in a tough position, he had to have heard the voice coming from the region of Aisha’s anus, he would have had to witness Mohammad removing Aisha’s shit-stained panties, he would have had to watch as Mohammad dressed up in Aisha’s shit-stained panties, and then he would have had to heard the shit-stained panties talking while Mohammad wore them. But the Hadith goes on to say that Mohammad removed Aisha’s talking shit-stained panties and tried on the shit-stained panties belonging to other little girls in order to determine if those shit-stained panties would talk as well, and so the scribe was present to witness and document the entire event. I think the scribe may have witnessed that the voice was coming from Aisha’s and Mohammad’s arseholes, but he would have faced pressure to instead fraudulently document that the voice was coming from Aisah’s shit-stained panties instead. Telling Mohammad to his face that he is talking out of his ass would likely not go over too well for the scribe.
There should be classes taught on the subject in primary schools, high schools and universities, as the kids should be encouraged to think on the serious subject of the origin of the Koran. If I were mayor of Saskatoon, I would warn the parents to watch over their daughter’s panties and make sure that the panties are not talking, and if the panties do start talking, to report the incident to any appropriate authorities. Likely you will soon have a Brahmin Hindu psychiatrist telling you that you think too much about talking panties, so it might be wise to first wash the panties and see if they continue talking after they come out of the dryer. I advise the citizens of the City of Saskatoon to not hang talking panties on any clothes lines, but to dry them in dryers instead, lest the talking panties say anything to bother the neighbors. Heaven forbid, children’s panties hanging out together outside on clothes lines could break out into song, I think that such a situation would be rather intolerable if they sang crappy songs, and more so if they sang crappy songs throughout the night. I don’t think we need a new bylaw to prevent children’s panties from singing at night as the existing noise bylaw should have this covered. Nevertheless the issue is sure to be divisive as religion always is, some Saskatoonians are sure to only hang their talking panties out on Saturday, others will choose Sunday or some other day, some will whirl their children’s panties clockwise, others in a counterclockwise direction. My hope is that people would wash their daughter’s shit-stained panties before hanging them outside on a clothes line for all to see (and hear, and smell), as this way they were less likely to utter any crap. I should go on about the shit-stained panties because Scripture advises us to beware of lying spirits, like Santa Clause, manifestations of Mary, the Easter Bunny and such. Anyway, a thousand years after Aisha’s shit-stained panties dictated the Koran, people in England were sticking their arses out of upper story windows and crapping upon people passing by on the streets below. Incredible story, I couldn’t make it up if I tried.
The Catholic media censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, censors acts of pedophilia by their Catholic priests, encourages homosexuality and witchcraft, defends the Protestant churches because the Catholic Church owns them, and endlessly wars against God’s First Three Commandments by getting you to engage in a pagan winter festival. Then there is the issue of the Catholic Church using their media to get the “Christians” in America to vote for “Obama”, an Indonesian Islamist. Even after Obama funded the extermination of Christians from the middle-east, the Catholic media continues to heap praises upon him. “Obama” (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) stood with his wife “Michelle” (Mike wears size 12 men’s shoes and played football in college), and stood with two borrowed daughters, together the group posed with a tree turned into a decorated idol. The Christians and the pagans together voted for “Obama” because they liked his blinkin’ trees. Not just Americans but the whole world loved “Obama” (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) when they saw photos of him posing with muscular Mike and the blinkin’ trees. “Obama” (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist) funded the slaughter of Christians in the middle-east, yet is loved by Christians because he poses with the blinkin’ trees, they are decorated idols.
The greatest threat to my life is not the Islamists nor the Catholics, nor their psychiatrists, police officers and judges, it is the filthy and ignorant servers at Tim Horton’s and other restaurants who care little of food safety and who scratch their arses, handle money and then hand me a cup of water after touching the rim of the cup. First Nations have casinos that offer such service, the greatest gamble is not blackjack, poker nor slots, the greatest gamble is to consume food and water originating from such restaurants and coffee shops in their casinos. The fecal matter and germs the Indians allow to be spread on the food and water at their casinos kills people, and it kills people faster than the anti-fertility herbs being added to foods by the Islamists. Don’t expect First Nations people to enforce food safety regulations at their casinos, they are paying people back for the contaminated blankets handed to their ancestors centuries ago. People buy business licenses and offer food in the hopes of financial profit, then they cut corners to maximize their profits, they care little that staff members dealing the food and handing out water aren’t abiding by food safety regulations, their licenses should be revoked and they should face fines. The Indians have cameras all over their First Nations casinos, but they are unable to see their own cooks continually touching their faces, adjusting their glasses and scratching their noses, arses, or whatever, with their rubber-gloved hands, and they think the contaminated meals they offer are still worth $25 a serving. The healthy among us who consume the contaminated food and water get diarrhea for a couple of days while the weak and the elderly get death sentences.
The First Nations running the casinos show their true colors each winter when they openly adopt Catholic fertility rites and turn their casinos into blinkin’ temples of fertility. There is little difference between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism, band members flip-flop between their traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any particular day, and that is why HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases are so high in the First Nations communities. The Indians are like anybody else, they lined up to help Graham Construction build the new torture facilities in North Battleford, and are eager to sweep the psychiatric ward floors or provide food to the tortured inmates as the positions offered in the hospitals are unionized and pay better than average.
Repeatedly I have seen fast food restaurants allow mothers to sit their children down upon the front serving counters, these mothers and restaurant employees think pretty highly of the children’s filthy pants and dirty arseholes, and then nobody sanitizes the serving counter after the mother and child leaves. Cadets, sports organizations and assorted clubs should submit videos of food service safety infractions to City Hall and share in the fines being levied against them. People who are void of compassion should not be allowed to have a business license that allows them to serve food, but that is not possible so they must face fines in an attempt to force compliance to the laws. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is just a joke that costs lives and money, the City of Saskatoon should be levying fines against the filthy restaurants without the assistance of that corrupt organization. The Indians in Caswell, Riversdale and Pleasant Hill districts of Saskatoon are largely just killing one another while it is the Indians serving food at Whitecap Dakota Dunes Casino and other restaurants that pose a greater danger to the people of other races.
Some of the money being spent at the casinos in Canada originates from Western New Guinea, Islamists from Indonesia invaded the island about 60 years ago and have been slaughtering the native inhabitants, many of whom are Christians, ever since. Both Chinese and Canadian companies are involved in extracting the gold from the extremely rich land, it is land that likely contains the highest concentration of gold in the entire world. The Chinese transport the gold by pipeline - the Chinese pump an extremely rich golden slurry to their waiting ships, then transport this golden slurry to China where they refine it into gold bullion. The Chinese then use the gold to purchase land, resources, houses, entire companies, and to buy off politicians in Canada and around the world. The Papuans were our allies in WWII, and now Australia and other western nations close their eyes to the atrocities committed by the Islamists, and close their hearts to the suffering of the Papuan people. The “savages” at aboriginal run casinos in Canada work hard to benefit from this Papuan wealth. Should Saskatoon build a casino and get a piece of the Papuan pie, we should use much of the profits to aid Papuans rather than Canadians. It’s funny how Canadian aboriginal Indians care little that much of the money pouring into their casinos originates from Western New Guinea and that the inhabitants there are facing genocide. This uncaring attitude of Canadian aboriginal Indians is largely due to them being Catholics, their concern is for their genitals and their blinkin’ trees rather than their fellow man. And when an earthquake and tidal wave struck Indonesia in 2004, Canadian “Christians” sent massive amounts of aid to the Islamists in Indonesia, for they too care little about the Papuan people. Many Indonesians were becoming massively wealthy from their theft of Papuan gold, and then in 2004 western churches began raising many hundreds of millions of dollars for the Islamists of Indonesia. Now Papuans are united in their adoption of Catholic fertility rites, they turn trees into decorated idols, pray to Mary and sing Jingle Bells…
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way
Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh…
Many Christians in American helped to elect and re-elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America, they voted for the sodomite because he appeared to share their values when he repeatedly posed besides trees turned into decorated idols. Together the Papuan gold and trees turned into blinkin’ idols were instrumental in electing and re-electing the homosexual Indonesian Islamist to power, and once in power Obama funded the massacre of Christians in the middle-east. But the American Christians still love Obama, for his blinkin’ trees were exceptionally decorated, Obama even turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead. The American and Canadian aboriginal natives are fond of Obama, even though his presidency was largely funded by the genocide of the Papuan natives in western New Guinea and area. It is an easy thing for Islamists to pretend to be Catholics as both groups harbor a great hatred for God’s Commandments. See the politicians pose next to the blinkin’ trees, it is a Catholic fertility rite, different aspects of this pagan winter holiday are in direct opposition to God’s first Three Commandments. Politicians of all stripes are trying to get the Catholic votes and do so by adopting filthy Catholic traditions. The Canadian political parties are run by people who turn trees into decorated idols, they are so eager for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu votes that they promote these people within their parties, they guarantee that large percentages of the space in post secondary educational facilities be handed out to people of these alternative religious persuasions, they provide homes in Canada not only for the pagan “immigrants”, they provide homes for the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu family members, cousins, and for entire villages (and give them free health care and such). Now about the only time we see a white woman on tv is when she is shown together with an Arab, Asian or African man in the role as her sexual partner.
The white people in North America turn trees into decorated idols and adopt other Catholic fertility rites, such as sticking a miniature Egyptian obelisk (penis) on the roofs of their church and on the top of their blinkin’ trees. They embrace pagan fertility rites and then give their nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. I criticized the pagan traditions in their churches and said that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and annually turn their homes and entire cities in blinkin’ temples of fertility while giving away homes to members of alternative fertility cults. These Catholics consider themselves rich, so rich that they can give entire nations away to members of alternative fertility cults. In the final days God uses His angels to bring destruction, don’t seek protection from angels is my advice. Anyway, to make a long story short, God is about to spread you folks out like dung and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!!
The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper and other media outlets throughout the western world used comics to teach people that Africans and South Sea Islanders were cannibals, they would depict white people in a cooking pot while black people or south sea islanders stood next to the pot and tended to the fires burning below. This continued well into the 1960’s but since then it is no longer politically correct to use the comics to denigrate the African people, while the South Sea Islanders are still periodically depicted as cannibals. Assorted churches (including the Seventh-day Adventist Church) published books explaining how their missionaries traveled to these distant lands and civilized the cannibals. The churches never quoted Scripture in their publications, nor from their pulpits, nor during their Bible Studies, that supported the existence of cannibals, instead they would teach of the existence of cannibals in Africa and the South Seas while censoring existence of cannibals in the “civilized” west. In 1988 I criticized this racism taught by the churches and faced arrest and the beginning of years of torture. Hollywood was systematically teaching people to seek power from supposedly magical rocks, was teaching people of the great benefits of engaging in witchcraft, and taught of the existence of ghosts as opposed to angels, but then in 1989 this changed with the release of “Silence of The Lambs” where a single cannibal was depicted as being real and active in the western world. So in 1989 Hollywood began to be more truthful in their teachings than the Christian churches, as the Christian churches continued to censor the existence of cannibals in the western world. In 1988 people began paying millions of dollars to have me tortured at the University of Saskatchewan (and later at Saskatoon City Hospital) for daring to speak of the existence of cannibals in the civilized west, then starting in 1989 they began spending millions of dollars to watch Hollywood movies depicting cannibals in the civilized west. Anyway, Scripture proclaims that God is about to spread you people out like dung over the surface of the earth, this is fair and I fully support it. Already God has begun to spread many of your apostate children out like dung, I not only support it, I think it is absolutely hilarious. Just as you folks think it hilarious that I get tortured by predominantly Brahmin Hindu psychiatrists, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious.
In February 2020 aboriginal protestors set up a blockade on 20th Street and Idylwyld Drive, the Saskatoon City Police responded by blocking additional streets in the area. Huge numbers of police officers and police cars were deployed to assist the aboriginal protestors to block streets. Tax money collected from the residents of the city should not be used to pay police officers to block traffic. The police in Canada have a duty to uphold the laws of Canada, not Catholic laws, not Islamic Sharia laws, not Chinese laws, not United States laws, not United Nations laws, nor First Nations laws. Should I become Mayor of Saskatoon, I will instruct our Aboriginal/Catholic police chief to stop using our police force to block streets and impede the flow of traffic. The Catholic law is to steal an obelisk (a pagan representation of a penis) from Egypt and erect it in the center of Vatican Square, then each winter to place a large evergreen tree turned into a decorated idol next to the stolen dink, and encourage the entire world to join with them in this pagan filth, while ramming their penises high up into your children’s arseholes. It is not appropriate for the police force in Saskatoon to celebrate Catholic laws and annually turn the police station into a blinkin’ temple of fertility. Nor is it appropriate to use the police force to arrest people who dare to criticize Catholic fertility rites. If our current Aboriginal/Catholic police chief continues to abide by First Nations laws and Catholic laws, then he should be prepared for a new job. Canadian laws should be applied equally to all Canadians. Annually turning the police station into a blinkin’ temple of fertility is an indication that the police are sworn to uphold Catholic laws. After police officers finish their shifts, then they may go home and turn their homes into blinkin’ pagan temples of fertility. And if Saskatoon city police officers desire to block streets, then they should attempt to do so when they are not on the clock. Catholic laws also include the censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism, police officers should not be arresting people and delivering them to Hindu, Islamic, Sikh or Catholic psychiatrists to be tortured when they dare to quote or refer to unpleasant Scriptures. The western churches and their media worked hard over the years to teach people that the cannibals in this world were isolated to Africa and the South Seas, while censoring acts of cannibalism committed by the “civilized” people in the west.
People accuse me of “lunacy” and being a “lunatic” while at the same time the “Christmas” and “Easter” celebrations they religiously observe are scheduled by the placement of the sun and the moon in the sky. Catholics defend their “solar and lunar location-based” religion by claiming those who are opposed are insane lunatics. They have me repeatedly arrested for daring to speak in opposition to their solar and lunar scheduled events, and their police would repeatedly drive me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan, which have four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) built into them, pointing up to the sun. They stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they cap their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols with Egyptian dinks, they drive me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan which incorporates the four Egyptian penises, and deliver me to a Hindu psychiatrist there who proclaims that I think too much about penises, and then sets to work to torture me with nauseous horrid drugs. Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm and here I was provided with a Hindu who told me that I think too much about penises. Later her Brahmin Hindu husband, who was similarly a psychiatrist, tortured me as well. Six week sessions that went on for years, I complain on the usenet and get accused of being a pedophile, people laugh and continue tithing to churches that have Egyptian penises on their roofs, they laugh and turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility. They borrow money from their children so they may build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford, and then laugh.
The first round of torture took place in the fall of 1988. Then the second time the police arrested me a police officer said “You have a history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” The third and subsequent times I was arrested, the officer said “You have a ‘long-term’ history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” So the City of Saskatoon police force is able to have people arrested and delivered to brutal horrid torture by proclaiming that it is tradition that the individual be arrested and tortured.
Canadians spent many millions of dollars having me repeatedly tortured, they continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, and not a single person has the ability to blush over the issue. I lost year after year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and people respond by borrowing money from their children to build new psychiatric facilities in North Battleford, and then they publish obituaries proclaiming that their ignorant family members are up in heaven with Mary!!! People can’t find it in their hearts to even attempt to try to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. My best guess is that people are waiting for Jesus to return before they start to treat me with any respect or dignity, and good luck with that. People think they have the freedom in Christ to accuse others of lunacy and then work to have them arrested and tortured, they think themselves to be assured of heavenly rewards, but they confuse their immorality with immortality.
We all make judgments of who or what to love and who or what to hate. It used to be that the Priests of Fish-God Dagon would dress up in full length fish costumes and teach people to bow to decorated evergreen trees. There has been an evolution in Catholic thought where now their Priests of Dagon reduced the scope of their full length fish costumes and retain just the use of their fish-head hats. Most fish lay enormous numbers of eggs and so they are viewed of symbols of fertility, like the evergreen tree which was worshipped for centuries because they remain vibrant, green and fertile year around. Annually the Catholics at the Vatican turn a tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the Egyptian obelisk (penis) they stole from Egypt, suitable as both are symbols of fertility, like their fish-head hats. They arrested me for speaking and gave me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, but it wasn’t me who thought so highly of penises that I would stick a pagan dink in the center of Vatican Square or on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Our community requires a peaceful evolution in thought and action and not a violent revolution.
Peaceful evolution doesn’t begin with blocking roads, rail lines, nor pipe lines, nor does it include acts of arson or derailing trains, as acts such as these will only lead to violence and death. Traditional aboriginal beliefs involve talking to grandmothers before engaging in any actions, these grandmothers have their voices and power removed from them by Ottawa and by the corrupt chiefs on the reserves, then the young natives go out into the world without consulting their grandmothers. The corrupt chiefs steal reserve lands and hand the quarter sections out to their friends and family members, they ship grain grown on reserves to China, and grow and ship that grain using fuel coming from Islamic nations, and the ignorant youth respond by helping to stop Canadian energy self-sufficiency. And there is no precedent in Scripture that leads Christians to similarly block roads nor burn buildings, it is instead written that vengeance belongs to God. Saskatoon should set up a special building for indigenous grandmothers to meet and talk – when we arrest indigenous people for blocking streets, rail lines and pipe lines, then we can take them to their grandmothers and see if they have permission to set up those blockades. I think most natives living in cold Canada would like it if they had diesel fuel and propane to heat their homes.
Wife-beater Frank Jimmy Alec stole the title of an elected woman chief who was in favor of the propane pipeline cutting through her Wet’suwet’en territory. The aboriginals and environmentalists across Canada unite with the wife-beater and block streets and rail lines. Then “feminist” Justin Trudeau hands over funds to the wife-beater’s bogus First Nation company. Frank Jimmy Alec doesn’t get rewarded with a needle up his arse, he gets paid very well. The issue is “Canada” and the loss of our nation to Islamists who seek to control our energy self-sufficiency and our very laws, so of course Islamist Justin Trudeau is going to reward those people who help to destroy our nation. And of course Islamist Justin Trudeau will side with and negotiate with the wife-beater who stole the title of an aboriginal female leader rather than with the elected female leaders of the Wet’suwet’en band, for he is an Islamist, and Islamists systematically strip women of their voices, power and freedom. Saskatoon requires a special building for indigenous grandmothers to meet and talk. All the grandmothers have to do is stop spending money on tobacco for one single month and they will have the funds to build their own meeting place. But of course having grandmothers stop smoking for a single month and pool their money is an impossible task, so Saskatoon’s tax payers will likely have to foot the bill to set up a chamber for the grandmothers to meet. Sports groups, cadets and other organizations should be trying to raise funds for their clubs by recording bylaw infractions, then sharing the information and resulting fines with the city - as a result of their work we will issue fines to the filthy grandmothers who litter the streets with their filthy carcinogenic cigarette butts, in an effort to recoup our investment. Many grandmothers will arrive in rusty 40-year-old cars that have dreamcatchers hanging from their rear view mirrors and obscuring their vision, they will be issued fines for obscuring their vision and the money we collect from this source alone may be adequate for us to treat and provide clean drinking water for our entire community.
Now that the Fear Flu has started to make its way into Canadian communities, there is little to fear as the Sikh warrior heading the New Democratic Party has encouraged the Islamic warrior heading the Liberal Party to ensure that communities in northern Canada are provided with resources to combat the disease (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3). Both Sikhism and Islam are male dominated religions, both incorporate penises into their temple and mosque architecture, together they are on top of the issue, not to worry. Canadian aboriginals vote for these foreign-phallic-warriors while the male leaders on the reserves continue to strip women of their voices and power. The Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3) is reaching out for continued aboriginal support. The aboriginal youth flip-flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to get into their beds and fuck on any given day, so are apt to continue to defend the Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance, because the “phallic aspect” of the alliance is held in common between all three groups.
The blacks invaded Canada resulting in the ignorant aboriginal youth whole-heartedly embracing black rap music, should the grain grown on reserves be diverted to Islamic nations instead of to China, expect the ignorant aboriginal youth to start wearing turbans and trying to grow beards. The native drum beats will fall silent - the only voices to be heard will be that of the Islamic calls to prayer, together with Doug Cuthand loudly proclaiming in the mainstream media that white people are “racists and rednecks” if they dare to oppose the male organized aboriginal rail blockades (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix February 29th 2020). Doug Cuthand speaks for all the grandmothers.
Inuit and aboriginal Indians have a history of warring against one another. The Fear Flu will help reduce or outright shut down oil and gas production - rather than transport limited fuel supplies north to Inuit communities, the remaining diesel fuel will be required for the new trucks driven by the male aboriginals in the southern aboriginal communities (for Doug Cuthand and his male aboriginal friends). The natives require their new GMC, Chevy and Ford trucks to help them get to and block the rail lines and derail trains. Over the last three or four centuries Catholic priests have been ramming their penises up the aboriginal children’s arseholes, some of these kids were given cash as a result of the abuse, and then used the cash to buy new trucks for themselves which of course require fuel and oil. Many of the new trucks and cars on the reserves were purchased from funds received as a result of priests sodomizing and otherwise abusing the native children, many of the other trucks were purchased by corrupt leaders who robbed their own band members. The Alberta and Saskatchewan aboriginal reserves require that the white farmers renting their reserve land have fuel and oil for their farm machinery, otherwise the grain will not be grown nor be shipped to China, and the end result is that money will not flow to their band offices for distribution to the chief and to “his” friends. Should Doug Cuthand’s male warriors continue to try to prevent propane, gasoline, oil and diesel fuel from being produced and reaching Inuit communities, the Sikh/Islamic phallic-warrior-alliance will save the day and get the fuels to the Inuit after all (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix March 7th 2020, page NP3). When Canada collapses into civil war, the Inuit may find Russian ships bringing needed supplies to their northern communities so they won’t have to revert to burning blubber. “Thanks to the Russians, this is the first time we’ve ever had clean water,” one Inuit resident said. Other northern Inuit praised the Russian gold and silver coinage given to them in trade for their carvings. “When Justin sold our land to the Russians in the spring of 2022, things improved vastly,” said another, adding “but soon after the Russians ships that came were all crewed by Arabs. Now our coinage has Arabic script and our women and children are working in places like Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They say it’s really hot down there. At least we are not fighting against the Cree in Canada anymore.” (Mohammad Today, 17 Shaaban 1444, page 114).
With the collapse of the Canadian oil industry, outspoken Doug Cuthand (speaks for all the grandmothers) and his racist and sexist friends may have to trade their new trucks in for camels. Of course the male aboriginal youth will also end up riding camels to get to their construction jobs, where they will continue to help Graham Construction build more psychiatric torture facilities for the crazy people who are opposed to getting the trees to blink. Everybody doths it (said psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux), the entire damned lot of them have trees that blink on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. Hitler too had trees that blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, he turned trees into the decorated idols and put the crazy people into special camps, for it is tradition, and tradition is the most important thing on planet earth.
As society collapses, Doukhobors should expect the loss of additional Doukhobor lands, should expect the aboriginal youth to start stealing their camels, and expect the Islamists to resume stealing the Doukhobor women. With the lack of fuel and oil, the Doukhobor women will be a hot commodity during the great tribulation, either pulling the plows across the prairies or servicing the sexual desires of Islamists in the no-go zones. Doukhobor women who are kidnapped and forced to service the sexual desires of the Islamists in the no-go zones should be aware that the police do not enter no-go zones, for it is tradition. And the tradition extends to women being sold and sent to Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic lands. Nobody in Canada cared too much that Doukhobor men and women were stripped of their land in Canada, nobody was outraged when Doukhobor children were removed from their families and placed into fenced compounds, so they can’t be expected to care too much when the Doukhobor women and children start getting shipped to Turkey, Iran and to other such resorts, again. When the Doukhobor women and children are sold into sexual slavery, the Doukhobor men will continue to embrace Catholic fertility rites, for it is tradition. The more the Doukhobors are persecuted, the greater their desire to embrace Catholic fertility rites and sing Jingle Bells - when Doukhobor women and children are sold into sexual slavery, the Doukhobor men will be sure to sing Jingle Bells and turn trees into decorated idols with even greater zeal. In order to avoid persecution Doukhobors in Canada anglicized their names, so when the Islamists resume kidnapping Doukhobor women and children, expect Doukhobors to start changing their names to Mohammad in an attempt to appease the invaders and fit in. Appeasement is the name of the game, in a democracy one requires votes from all religious groups, even if people want to cut your heads off you must continue to channel resources to them in order to keep getting their votes, in the hopes they do not cut your heads off. After all, six-year-old Aisha’s shit-stained panties proclaimed the fate of the women (Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442), and there is no arguing with it. For more information on appeasement and being nice, view Ann Barnhardt’s “Nice” video on YouTube.
Canadians are slaves who happily spend billions of dollars annually turning their homes, churches, cites and their entire nation into huge blinkin’ temples of fertility. I know that to most people this all sounds like crazy talk, but women across the world are sold out and made subservient by Aisha’s arsehole, or perhaps just by her shit-stained panties. And then to add to this misery another shit-stain has entered into the fray, Saint Greta has a cult following that is stopping the trains, and likely derailing them as well, she dothn’t want us to drive our trucks. I guess the downfall of women came in three major steps, it began with Eve’s poor choice of spiritual discretion, followed by Aisha’s shit-stained panties dictating the Koran (albeit while being worn by Mohammad), and terminates with Saint Greta’s stormtroopers destroying not just the Canadian oil industry, but all of western civilization. Other players in this end-times saga includes assorted people playing the roles of dupe, patsy and pigeon, all working in unison to destroy and enslave not just women but all of mankind.
See “Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World” by Mike Davis. Chinese emperors were well aware of the cyclical nature of weather and prepared for periodic crop failures by storing grain and then maintained the pre-famine prices of the grain. Any famine in China was exploited by the Islamists, who continually seek to overthrow all nations. El Nino and La Nina climate oscillations are reality and were seriously discussed in the media a couple of decades ago, but now this is replaced by the fiction of “global warming”. So rather than preparing for potential famines by growing and storing food supplies, now we have shit-stains seeking to stop food production and energy self-sufficiency.
If there is anybody in need of a needle up their arses, it is the teachers in the schools that teach children of a fictional climate apocalypse, teach children to turn trees into decorated idols, teach children to embrace Islam, and who teach children to embrace a homosexual lifestyle. The collapse of the Canadian oil industry, together with the continued shipment of grain to foreign nations, and together with the immigration of people who desire to cut our heads off, will lead to famine in Canada. In 1988 I spoke of the Bible warning us to prepare for seven years of adversity by storing food (Genesis 41) but was repeatedly arrested and tortured. Canadians are sick members of assorted fertility cults and deserve the loss of their nation to members of alternative fertility cults.
The Sikhs incorporate penises in the architecture of their Golden Temples, the Hindus too incorporate penises into their temple architecture, the Islamists too build penises into their Mosque architecture, and the so-called Christians cap their churches with Egyptian penises. Catholicism is a male dominated fertility cult, as is Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism, so it is not surprising that the Catholics employed a Hindu psychiatrist who told me that I think too much about penises… but again, it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick a dink on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
Filthy penis-whoreshipping Catholics (they have Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their filthy churches and an Egyptian dink in the center of Vatican Square) hired penis-whoreshipping Hindus (they gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm) to do their dirty work for them. Rather than end psychiatry, Catholics now train and employ Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists as well. They are training foreign-born students to become doctors, including psychiatrists, at the University of Saskatchewan, and Trudeau now allows these foreign-born psychiatrists to practice their “art” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. In my humble opinion, it is really very wrong to allow Iranian citizens and citizens of other Islamic nations, the right to torture Canadians with psychiatric drugs. Laws in Canada now allow employment to be given to non-Canadians without first advertising the job opening to Canadians, this allows for Islamists to import Pakistani gunsmiths and Iranian marksmen to teach their skills to fellow Islamists living in Canada. In Sweden they teach the newly arrived Islamists to march and shoot, but the teacher has to be a Swedish citizen. Again, in my humble opinion, it is really very wrong to allow Islamists to come to Canada and teach small scale gun manufacturing and marksmanship to their fellow Islamists.
Everybody collectively closes their hearts to the brutal suffering I and other victims of psychiatric horror was made to endure. Not a single one of you has so much compassion in their hearts to warrant you to even try to attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere, instead you filthy animals borrowed money from your children in order to build additional psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford!!! Your job wasn’t to buy me a holiday, your job was to show compassion to the people who had their rights stripped from them and assist them to flee the country, instead you continue to spend billions of dollars annually turning your homes and cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. Established Canadians are compassionless slaves who treat their fellow slaves with utter distain and contempt. And the new immigrants to Canada want good paying unionized jobs in the psychiatric torture facilities, so they may send money back home to their Catholic, Islamic, Hindu and Sikh families.
Satan dwells in Justin Trudeau’s heart, he is angry with the woman and her seed, it is the white people of European descent who are the main reservoir of Christianity, the white people will ultimately be exterminated in the war against Christianity and Christian values. Christians of all colors are targeted, but the white people have a special place in Satan’s heart because the vast majority of them either worship Jesus instead of him, or they think more highly of Jesus than him.
Justin Trudeau said “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." And indeed he is replacing us. And of course he is going to allow a flood of people from around the world to continue to illegally cross our border, and of course will not be checking the newly arrived if they are sick with whatever, for he wants us to roll over and die. One of his best acts of warfare was to allow non-Canadians to work in Canada, even without having the job first advertised to established Canadians. And then there is the issue shutting down our energy sector while supporting Islamic oil. And then there is the issue of underfunding our military and sending them out of country to prop up one group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women. And then there is the issue of handing our military over to Sikh warriors. And then the issue of designing the carbon tax so the greatest proportion of the money raised and rebated goes to the largest families (the Islamists with the four wives). And then there is the issue of allowing the Chinese unfettered access to our resources and allowing them to sue us in secret courts should we hamper their unfettered access to our resources. And then there is the issue of the University of Saskatchewan and other universities reserving seats in different colleges, including The College of Medicine, and train Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to become psychiatrists, and allow them “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. And then there is the issue of Trudeau borrowing money from banks which they make out of thin air, and at compound interest, rather than printing debt-free money and rather than paying people in gold and silver coins. And then there is the issue of Trudeau threatening to impose martial law if we dare to leave our houses while he allows a continued influx of Chinese and Islamists to arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. And then there is the biggest issue of them all, the height of your living room ceiling, for the taller the ceiling, the taller the tree. Justin Trudeau is an Islamist, they wage war on a very large front and with great deception, and have the nicest trees. Trudeau and his council of Islamists works overtime inventing ways to bankrupt Canada, to hand our nation over to Islamists, to make us slaves, to exterminate us. Obama did the very same to Americans when he was president, both Trudeau and Obama are advised by the same Islamic Sharia council and their leader is Charles.
The totalitarian Communist government of China suppressed the knowledge of the virility of their Chinese Virus, then the outbreak of Chinese Virus in China began to spread across China and into other nations. Trudeau responded by shipping Chinese-made medical supplies back to China. Trudeau then continued to allow a constant stream of Chinese to fly to Canada, when they arrived he did not isolate them nor check their temperatures. The Chinese media now assures the world that they no longer have the virus in China, that they have cured themselves, and so they should continue to be allowed to fly from China to Canada and to other nations. Canadians are largely under house arrest, our American border is closed while the Chinese soldiers may still fly in. There are certainly more Chinese soldiers and also Islamic soldiers in Canada than we have Canadian soldiers. And the Americans are suffering horribly, they still want to come to Canada to hunt and fish. Everybody is asleep, God has shut your eyes and minds, the only thing that matters to people is the height of their blinkin’ trees and their ability to go shopping, hunting and fishing. The Chinese virus continually mutated and became not unlike a common cold, but the danger remains as China is manipulating and weaponizing other bat virus.
Canadians allow the loss of their nation because they are “nice” (see Ann Barnhardt - Nice on YouTube), and only really care about getting their trees to blink. The situation is similar to the Americans electing and re-electing a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to the presidency of the United States of America because “Obama” (not even his real name) posed in front of trees that were lavishly decorated and so appeared to share the American values (see Ann Barnhardt - Obama Closet Homosexual on YouTube). The American identity has become one big Catholic fertility rite, and the American general pubic responds by blaming Jews for all their problems. The Jewish tradition is to teach people about God and His Commandments, the Catholic tradition is to denigrate and persecute Jews and to teach people to bow to blinkin’ trees. The American tradition is to vote for homosexual Indonesian Islamists when they have nicely decorated trees. That homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, these soldiers did not give their lives to defend Catholic fertility rites. When the homosexual Indonesian Islamist turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, it made Americans happy, so happy that they broke out in song… Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way… The happy Americans adopted Catholic fertility rites and sang Jingle Bells, and blamed Jews for all their problems. The homosexual Indonesian Islamic President of The United States of America made Americans happy, or at least content enough so they could relax and go hunting and fishing in Canada. The Americans had an Islamic president, and their response was to embrace Catholic fertility rites, sing Jingle Bells, proclaim that Jews ran the world, and go hunting and fishing in Canada.
The church separated at the Protestant Reformation, and then later the Protestants in England began to teach people to adopt Catholic fertility rites – the Reformation was replaced with the Catholic Counter-Reformation, glitter and blinkin’ lights, and increased persecution against the Jews, Doukhobors and such. The covens in the English monarchy are on increasingly better terms with the covens at the Vatican. Saskatoonians are looking forward to Prince Charles becoming King and starting a new era of ecumenical love where Buddha, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Mohammad and Zoroaster are all praised in both Protestant and Catholic churches, anything less will be considered hate speech and people will be penalized (persecuted, tortured, crucified, beheaded, killed).
Maybe the Islamists invaded and you’re losing your nation because you have your trees blinkin’ at the wrong frequency, maybe your trees were just too short or decorated with too many blinkin’ green lights and not enough blinkin’ red lights. Maybe you aren’t using an adequate amount of tinsel on your blinkin’ trees. The gold and silver balls you hang on your trees are representations of the sun and the moon, maybe you had too many golden sun balls, maybe not enough silver moon balls. The Brahmin Hindus and the Catholics could only torture me for six weeks at a time, as that is what the government permitted. People are ok with it as they do not want their churches and traditions criticized. It does not matter to Canadians that they employ Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists to torture people who criticize their Catholic fertility tree traditions, for anybody who dares to criticize blinkin’ trees is supposedly deserving of such treatment. The monarchy and the blinkin’ trees have become Canadian and American identities, people fight in defense of the monarchy and the blinkin’ Catholic trees because they are tradition and tradition is simply the most important thing on earth (if your parents are Hindus then you will be a Hindu too).
About twenty or so years ago I had a dream of Saskatoon. I was on the 400 block of Second Avenue North, it was summer (or at least there was no snow), the street was deserted, there was no life at all, no indication that there was any life at all in the entire city, there were neither people nor animals present. The few cars on the street were neatly parked, none of the cars nor building were damaged in any way. I looked through the front window of a business at #3-411 Second Avenue North, it was a small Asian restaurant and contained rows of corpses covered in clean white sheets.
About the same time I had a dream of a sickly elderly bedridden white woman, her narrow bed was attached to a wall in a stairwell located between the first and second floors of a house converted to suites on 12th Street near Five Corners. People had to squeeze by her when they walked up and down the stairs. If I were to become mayor of Saskatoon, I would see a shortage of hospital beds, and would remind my constituents that they spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years at The Royal University Hospital and at Saskatoon City Hospital. And I’d suggest they go and buy themselves some toilet paper and encourage them to try to manage their money a bit better.
And about the same time I dreamt of a tiny viper in the kitchen, because it was so small nobody thought the snake to be a threat. The snake fled under the refrigerator and was temporarily forgotten. Soon after many dozens of vipers poured out from under the refrigerator and filled the home.
Canadians are slaves who are paid in paper promises rather than real money, which is gold and silver coins. The paper money is made by the banks out of thin air, and then loaned to the government at compound interest, then the government gives the borrowed “money” away to people in the third world (including to Islamists), or to third world people living here (including to Islamists), and has Canadians pay the compound interest on the loan while leaving principal intact and much much too big to pay. Our leader, Justin Trudeau, converted to Islam, so of course he gives huge amounts of this paper money he borrowed, to Islamists. He also takes that “money” that Canadians worked for, and gives that tax “money” to the Islamists as well. Borrowing more paper “money” from the banks (and at compound interest) is inflating the paper money supply, this inflation of the paper money supply results in the paper being worth less, then more paper “money” is required to purchase consumer goods. So in addition to Trudeau taking tax “money” from Canadians to give to his foreign friends, he enslaves Canadians with additional debt and utter poverty. Trudeau said that he would replace us, by forcing people into poverty he will prevent many from being able to purchase a firearm to protect themselves.Trudeau is an absolute genius, he fumbles around like a clown, but his plan to fund Islamists and exterminate white people is working. White farmers in South Africa are being exterminated, they are ignored while Trudeau pays the airfare for many blacks to come here from Africa, then puts them up in hotels or pays their mortgages. Islamists slaughtered the Christians in the middle-east, then they came to Canada with the money they stole, and were allowed to keep that money and go on welfare. Many of the Islamists have four wives, each with a house paid for by taxpayers, they didn’t really have to kill the Christians in the middle-east and take their money, for in Canada they have their house mortgages and food covered by the taxpayers (the white slaves). Now, in the summer of 2020, black people in America are chanting to kill the whites and are looting and burning down their stores, sure glad we live in Canada, such a thing would never happen here (I’m joking, most of the black people we allowed to come to Canada recently absolutely hate white people). Americans have the money to fly up north to fish and hunt. Some Americans hunters land in Saskatoon with twelve-gauge shotguns that are superbly machined and intricately engraved with gold inlay, they come with shotguns costing many thousands of dollars. Saskatoon in many ways is like Port Morseby, the rich foreign travelers land at our airports and then immediately catch connecting flights away from the crime infested cities. If the American sportsmen were aware that the CIA was involved in funding torture research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon for several decades, they still would not venture into the city to see the facilities their tax dollars helped to purchase, they would be catching the connecting flight out of Saskatoon with even less delay.
Trudeau floods our nation with Islamists because he has a hatred of the European old stock Canadians, says that the Europeans are replaceable and that he will indeed replace us. But Trudeau’s loyalty is divided, on one hand he loves Islam, but on the other hand he bends over backwards catering to the Chinese, either way he is replacing us. He orders the unpleasant old stock European Canadians to stay confined to their homes, and then allows Islamists and Chinese to continue to fly in to Canada from Covid-19 infected countries, and doesn’t even check their temperatures at the airport, nor gives them masks, nor places them in quarantine, for Trudeau has given away tons of masks and other medical supplies to China. The unpleasant old stock European Canadians hear about all of this, and also hear that they exchanged God’s Commandments for Catholic blinkin’ evergreen tree traditions, and they also hear that I was tortured in psychiatric facilities for years for daring to say so, but they only care about their blinkin’ trees. These Canadian people annually spend billions of dollars turning their churches, homes and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, they care little that they spent many millions of dollars having me brutally tortured at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital for daring to criticize their pagan fertility traditions. They claim to know the truth and are utterly compassionless.
Indians in Canada are now a free people when they are on their reserves, they are on land that cannot be removed from them, unless they are sitting on gold, diamonds or a golf course, they appeal to their ancestors, the Satanic crown and to the Islamic run United Nations for support. White Europeans think they own land in Canada but will lose it like the white Doukhobors they mocked - the Doukhobors had their land removed from them by the government, and then the other white people laughed at the Doukhobors when the Canadian government took their land away, they laughed at the Doukhobors and then bought the developed Doukhobor farms for themselves for a small handful of silver dollars. Later the government removed children from the Doukhobor families and kept them segregated. Now I live in Saskatoon and am surrounded by Moslems, while most white people around me harbor a hatred of both Christians and Jews, other white people are supposedly Christians who laugh at me for criticizing their blinkin’ trees, it is tradition, they say. White people in Canada cannot depend on the support of native aboriginal people in Canada, during the great tribulation Moslems, Sikhs, Chinese and Aboriginal Indians will likely all be shooting at white people, while some of the white people persecute other white people. Canada is more corrupt than Russia.
It might be a wise move for white people in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and USA to emigrate to the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and try to make a final stand there. We could collectively transfer our wealth and factories to Yakutia, and design communities that help secure our futures there. Perhaps we’ll cross paths along the River Lena and meet for tea in Yakutsk. Or perhaps it would be best to mass emigrate to Magadan and set up several communities there, perhaps next to or near the Kolyma Hiway, at Sinegore perhaps. Magadan is considerably warmer than Yakutia. Whichever Russian province we emigrate to would benefit greatly by the wealth, resources and manpower we bring along, and by the gold and other resources we mine there.
We can’t very well emigrate en masse to Sweden, for if people don’t want to confront the Islamic invasion here, they similarly would not want to confront the Islamic invasion there. It dothn’t sound smart to emigrate to a nation that teaches Islamic youth to march in uniform and shoot (plus the Islamists are tossing hand grenades around in Swedish communities and commit huge amounts of rapes against the Swedish children and women). We could emigrate en masse to Norway or Finland and try to protect either nation from Sweden. We can’t emigrate en masse to Poland as the topography offers little defense and the people pray to Mary - there would be religious conflict. I think people would be less likely to face psychiatric torture and Islamic invasion in the Sakha Republic (or Magadan or Chukotka or Kamchatka Krai or Krasnoyarsk Krai or Irkutsk) than in Canada, or Poland, that puts the Sakha Republic and vicinity on my short list. With a “safety in numbers” mindset, a fairly massive amount of us may choose to emigrate to Yakutia or thereabouts and bring all of our wealth and many of our metal working tools with us, again, we would be a big benefit to any nation that allows us to emigrate. Note that independent journalist Rasul Yagudin would not recommend that we emigrate to Russia, for as in Canada, people there are tortured and killed in psychiatric facilities.
Restoring The American Republic:
“When a superior officer issues a command to wage war against the natural rights of the American people, that officer identifies himself as the domestic enemy you swore to defend against. The Constitution for the United States of America grants only those powers necessary to secure our rights, which is their lawful duty… Every officer, civilian and military, has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, not the demands or orders of the chain of command in defiance of the Constitution. When the chain of command defies the oath it becomes the duty of the soldier to defy the chain of command…” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, February 20 2014
“Unknown to most Americans, we’re under attack every day by the corporations posing as our governments today. Every time you’re told to ask permission to exercise what is a natural right and you obey, you’re converting that right into a privilege and enslaving yourself to usurpers. When you apply for a permit to improve your own property, you’re handing over your property rights to bureaucrats and showing that you truly do not own it. In America, free men hold their property in allodial and are literally kings on that land. Most people today are tenants on the land they spend a fortune on; paying rent to the true owners in the form of property tax. When you apply for a permit to own or carry a firearm, you’re asking permission from your master. Free men do not ask permission to be armed, slaves do. Free men would shoot the servant that attempted to disarm him, because allowing the usurpation is not only stripping you of your right to defend yourself from bodily harm, but also the ability to defend everything you possess. When you ask permission to travel by obtaining a license to drive, you’re allowing others to regulate that travel and restrict your ability to do so. The ability to travel from place to place is a Natural Right, not subject to the edicts of government.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, August 24 2016