2011-09-22 18:19:43 UTC
I couldn't hear if anybody else was laughing, because I was sitting
by myself, when I heard the BBC Ahhfrika program, anounce that Tanzania
was going to use their army to curb the smuggling of SUGAR!
Many years ago a Bantu-comrade explained to me that the colonialists had
corrupted/bribed the natives with sugar. I guess it was like they bribed
them with beads & mirrors & fire-water?
When I was in Dar e Salaam in the 80's I witnessed how the African national
hero Julius Nyrere was absurdly trying to use price controls and exchange
control. A French fellow traveler got fraudulent bank-stamps to confirm
he had exchanged his US$ at Nyrere's official rate, and he was able to
buy his air ticket to France at half the market price.
Even though international communism collapsed 20 years ago, the golliwogs,
like Mugabe, haven't learned that you can't legislate sugar prices.
by myself, when I heard the BBC Ahhfrika program, anounce that Tanzania
was going to use their army to curb the smuggling of SUGAR!
Many years ago a Bantu-comrade explained to me that the colonialists had
corrupted/bribed the natives with sugar. I guess it was like they bribed
them with beads & mirrors & fire-water?
When I was in Dar e Salaam in the 80's I witnessed how the African national
hero Julius Nyrere was absurdly trying to use price controls and exchange
control. A French fellow traveler got fraudulent bank-stamps to confirm
he had exchanged his US$ at Nyrere's official rate, and he was able to
buy his air ticket to France at half the market price.
Even though international communism collapsed 20 years ago, the golliwogs,
like Mugabe, haven't learned that you can't legislate sugar prices.