Remember Marikana: Nine things you need to know
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Steve Hayes
2014-08-16 11:41:45 UTC
Remember Marikana: Nine things you need to know

15 Aug 2014 12:38 Haji Mohamed Dawjee


While the Farlam commission continues, the Marikana massacre has influenced
everything from the families to art and politics. Let's take a look.
Marikana miners protesting at the koppie. (Delwyn Verasamy, M&G)

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the Marikana massacre. On August 16
2012, 34 miners employed by platinum mining company Lonmin lost their lives
and many others were injured when police opened fire on them.

The coverage of this horrific day has been ongoing. More than that, the
consequences of this day have influenced and continue to influence the lives
of many South Africans, those of the victims’ families most of all.

To mark the occasion of this tragic incident, let’s remember Marikana with
these nine pieces of significant content.

1. The first anniversary: A year ago, the Mail & Guardian launched Marikana:
One Year After the Massacre.

This special report was dedicated to giving the families of the dead miners a
voice. The site features a closer look at consequences that followed the
shooting and focuses on how the Marikana massacre did not end on that day in
2012, but continues in the aftermath.

2. Marikana mourns: Emotional footage of the Marikana community mourning the
loss of their loved ones.

3. The fourth camera angle: More than a year after that fateful day, filmmaker
Rehad Desai, a member of the The Marikana Support Committee, screened footage
he had uncovered while researching his documentary Miners Shot Down at a press
conference in Johannesburg.

The footage – previously unseen by the public – was shot from a “fourth camera
angle” and called into question the original statement by the South African
Police Service (SAPS). Until then, the SAPS had maintained that they used
their firearms in defence of an imminent attack by the miners. This video
portrayed a different narrative:

4. X marks the spot: A police witness, known only as Mr X, who allegedly
formed part of the protesting miners that underwent a ritual with two sangomas
to protect the miners from the police on August 11 2012, testifies in court on
behalf of the SAPS.

His testimony was significant because he revealed, among other things, details
about how the miners provoked the police to attack. M&G reporter Gabi Falanga
wrote five important reasons to follow his testimony.

5. Zapiro: Since the onset and in the interim, cartoonist Zapiro has been
capturing the plight of Marikana in significant cartoon commentary.

6. Marikana’s mass appeal: Like all historically significant occurrences, the
Marikana massacre started to bleed into arts and culture. Artists and
filmmakers (such as Rehad Desai) used the tragedy to influence their works and
depict what happened that day – and these depictions were not always received
in the best way.

Such was the experience of Ayanda Mabulu, whose Marikana-themed paintings
featuring Jacob Zuma and other political figures were censored and pulled
from the Jo’burg Art Fair in 2013.

Mabulu’s painting Yakhal’inkomo – Black Man’s Cry depicts Zuma holding the
leash of a dog that is attacking a kneeling miner with horns on his head. Zuma
has one foot on another dying miner’s head while a white man dressed as a
matador with a South African flag as a cape stands over the horned miner,
poised to run him through with his sword. Britain’s Prince Charles and Queen
Elizabeth IIare looking on, laughing, and an ANC logo dripping blood hangs in
the background.

The image has since been sold for R89 000.

7. The Farlam Commission of Inquiry: Soon after the shootings, an inquiry
chaired by retired judge Ian Farlam was launched to examine the Marikana
tragedy. The commission is ongoing and looks into the conduct of Lonmin, the
SAPS, the National Union of Mineworkers and the Association of Mineworkers and
Construction Union. It is investigating the actions that took place on the day
that led to the loss of lives, incited violence and induced harm.

Recently, the inquiry heard from the families of the victims, who shared their
heart-rendering stories.

8. Malema in Marikana: Not to be left behind, and in what seemed to be an
effort to take advantage of a despondent Marikana for votes, Economic Freedom
Fighters leader Julius Malema addressed the people. In the podcast, it’s clear
that the sting of his words is directed mostly at Zuma and then minister of
police Nathi Mthethwa.

9. Marikana musing: The families of the victims have to live with the
consequences, but the Marikana massacre remains in the hearts and minds of all
South Africans, many of whom have contributed and shared in the continuation
of an important conversation about the events through social media, blog posts
and opinion pieces.

In his comment piece “After Marikana, is it the same country?”, Brent Meersman
discusses the effects of the incident, the role players in terms of government
and corporations, and the responsibility they have in the investment of South
Africa’s future so that it does not regress into a self-destructive
apartheid-like past.


You can see more by using the link to look at the web site, as there are many
pictures that are commented on in the text.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
2014-08-22 18:56:18 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
Remember Marikana: Nine things you need to know
What does this tell you about the "Sharpville" myth?
