Bono wants you to pay higher taxes
(too old to reply)
B J Foster
2011-06-25 13:42:26 UTC
On 25/06/2011 8:19 PM, Sfinx wrote:
Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis told Sky News that while he
encourages political activism at his festival, which takes place each
year in south western England, he believes the planned protest against
U2's tax status was unfair.
Ref: http://www.couriermail.com.au/entertainment/confidential/violence-mars-u2s-glastonbury-debut/story-e6freq7o-1226081762925
See Julius Malema (ANC Youth League leader) exhorts his followers to
'Kill the Boer':

South African farmers ('Boers') are being slowly but steadily
*exterminated* by the ANC:

Malema visited Robert Mugabe to get advice:
"In SA we are just starting - here in Zimbabwe you are already very far"

Bono supports the ANC policy of ethnic cleansing:
2011-06-25 14:19:45 UTC
Post by B J Foster
Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis told Sky News that while he
encourages political activism at his festival, which takes place each
year in south western England, he believes the planned protest against
U2's tax status was unfair.
See Julius Malema (ANC Youth League leader) exhorts his followers to
'Kill the http://youtu.be/qm9nUhTFYfM
South African farmers ('Boers') are being slowly but steadily
*exterminated* by the ANC:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article7078730.ece
"In SA we are just starting - here in Zimbabwe you are already very far"http://www.genocidewatch.org/images/Zimbabwe_10_04_04_Malema_lauds_Mu...
Bono supports the ANC policy of ethnic cleansing:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/8321670/Bono-reig...
Bono is a 'usefull idiot' as they say and will do great harm. People
will die because of this man's need to covort around in Sth Africa
(even after Apartheid ended)

When the Nashville floods happened Taylor Swift gave 5 million of her
own money to help out the flood victims. That's the kind of activist
I respect.

Incidently the Ukrain has invited 1000 Boer farmers to work the cheap
land in the Ukrain. They need to go for their own safety.

Under Apartheid there were seperate buses for Whites and Blacks. Now
there is only one bus but no White can travel on it. They just can't
without getting killed.

Under Apartheid the murder rate was 1500/year its now around
25,000-30,000. Under Apartheid the remote 400 bed hospitals built
for blacks had functioning x-ray machines and no broken windows.
B J Foster
2011-06-26 01:18:37 UTC
Post by Eunometic
Post by B J Foster
Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis told Sky News that while he
encourages political activism at his festival, which takes place each
year in south western England, he believes the planned protest against
U2's tax status was unfair.
See Julius Malema (ANC Youth League leader) exhorts his followers to
'Kill the http://youtu.be/qm9nUhTFYfM
South African farmers ('Boers') are being slowly but steadily
*exterminated* by the ANC:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article7078730.ece
"In SA we are just starting - here in Zimbabwe you are already very far"http://www.genocidewatch.org/images/Zimbabwe_10_04_04_Malema_lauds_Mu...
Bono supports the ANC policy of ethnic cleansing:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/8321670/Bono-reig...
Bono is a 'usefull idiot' as they say and will do great harm. People
will die because of this man's need to covort around in Sth Africa
(even after Apartheid ended)
These sorts of idiots piss me off. They protest against apartheid, which
is fair enough, but when the situation is reversed and the 'blecks' are
the ones discriminating - nay, not discriminating, fucking-well
*murdering* - then you have this Bono bozo encouraging them.

Did you know that Souf Efrika is the only place in the world where the
*majority* has a policy of affirmative action?

If you believe in race equality, the ANC will change your mind - both
racist and marxist - they drive around in luxurious motor cars and live
in mansions whilst unemployment sits around 40%, the murder rate climbs
higher & higher and the country can no longer feed itself. What will
they do when the gold runs out?

Worse, are the useful idiots who judgeth not the incompetent *murdering*
ANC and continue to shout 'racism' when it has reversed. Fraser is
another one.
Post by Eunometic
When the Nashville floods happened Taylor Swift gave 5 million of her
own money to help out the flood victims. That's the kind of activist
I respect.
Incidently the Ukrain has invited 1000 Boer farmers to work the cheap
land in the Ukrain. They need to go for their own safety.
Under Apartheid there were seperate buses for Whites and Blacks. Now
there is only one bus but no White can travel on it. They just can't
without getting killed.
Under Apartheid the murder rate was 1500/year its now around
25,000-30,000. Under Apartheid the remote 400 bed hospitals built
for blacks had functioning x-ray machines and no broken windows.
B J Foster
2011-06-26 04:01:44 UTC
Post by B J Foster
These sorts of idiots piss me off. They protest against apartheid, which
is fair enough, but when the situation is reversed and the 'blecks' are
the ones discriminating - nay, not discriminating, fucking-well
*murdering* - then you have this Bono bozo encouraging them.
All I know is that right wingers don't like him and are jealous of his wealth,
while they support the wealthy.
'All I know' is exactly right. I couldn't give a stuff about his wealth,
you moron, the ANC is encouraging their supporters to murder 'white'
(aka 'Boer') farmers and your bozo mate is encouraging them.

Support genocide, do you?
I met the guy in '80 when he was fuck all, a starving musican. It was at the
Ryerson Theatre in Toronto. You need to know that actors and musicians go big on
shit because they are not like Donald Trump, they didn't inherit their wealth.
They started out fucking dirt poor in most cases and made it big, because they're
good at what they do. What made you think that Paul McCartney was born rich?
Or Mick Jagger? Or 99% of the fuckers you are jealous of?
Go to Hell. It's their right to act as they do, just as it's your right to act as
you do.
Who said that you have the right to tell them what to do? It's mainly because
their politics don't agree with yours.
You stupid kook. Why not work hard and be famous like Dave Hewson and then take
him on at his level?
Oh? You can't do that because you're a loser in life?
Pity you.
B J Foster
2011-06-27 01:25:20 UTC
Neither of those people you mentioned encouraged the ANC's genocide of
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? You stupid old Aussie git?
My great grandfather fought in the Boer War for the Empire,
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
and my girfrield
was born and raised in Jo'burg.
Your ignorance could have been used as an excuse until you read about
the genocide of Afrikaner farmers. If you now continue to ignore the
ANC's genocide of 'Boer' farmers then from this point, you are
complicit, since you are now informed.
She's a hot blonde who speaks fluent
Enigiemand wat hierdie saak ignoreer, nadat hulle daarvan weet is 'n kont.
You don't see me incoherently whining like you are.
Jy's 'n doos

Carl Cassidy Jr.
2011-06-25 14:23:50 UTC
Post by B J Foster
Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis told Sky News that while he
encourages political activism at his festival, which takes place each
year in south western England, he believes the planned protest against
U2's tax status was unfair.
See Julius Malema (ANC Youth League leader) exhorts his followers to
'Kill the http://youtu.be/qm9nUhTFYfM
South African farmers ('Boers') are being slowly but steadily
*exterminated* by the ANC:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article7078730.ece
"In SA we are just starting - here in Zimbabwe you are already very far"http://www.genocidewatch.org/images/Zimbabwe_10_04_04_Malema_lauds_Mu...
Bono supports the ANC policy of ethnic cleansing:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/8321670/Bono-reig...
President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a rightist and he wanted everybody
to pay higher taxes than Bono wants, and we did.

Why do you hate conservative tradition? Are you some kind of
Communist cocksucker?

We all know what BJ means on the street. Does that attest to your
cocksucking ways? Is it how you make your living?

Whites are not indigenous to Australia. Why are you there? Don't
give me that "I was born here" crap. As you already know, lots of
filth who don't belong claim that excuse.

At least black people belong in Africa. Pieces of shit like you
don't belong in Australia or God would have put you there instead of
the British who sent your ancestors to the penal colony. The dregs
of the British Empire, and it shows. A "gun free" socialist gulag
run by a woman.