Zuma in hospital for tests
(too old to reply)
Australian Labor Deceit
2014-06-08 10:11:10 UTC

Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be
true as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
(Ms. Gillard didn't make any remarks about 'misogyny' at this meeting)

Take Agriculture minister Senzeni Zokwana for instance, he pays his
cattle herders R26 per day...

PS: The minimum wage in Australia is R1,280 per day (R10 = 1 AUD)
Why we kicked out the ALP:

Bill Shorten, "Oh, yeah, I believe him"

Australian Liar Party:
"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead"

"Well certainly what we rejected is this hysterical allegation that
somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their
advertising. We certainly reject that"

Labor's speechwriter...
On Gillard:
"She has not much except a kindergarten sandpit response to things"
"One thing is sure - there will be no Gillard era. This is not a 20-year
stretch. Civilised people's hands are already over their faces every
time she speaks. That cannot last. She has no power, no influence, no
friends, no learning. There's not much there"

Loading Image...

Labor's (overcrowded) sweat shops:

Because of Labor:
* Australia is currently paying $1 billion a month in interest;
* Australia would have the fastest growth in *spending* and 3rd fastest
growth in net *debt* of 17 countries profiled by the IMF;
* As a result, without action, Australia’s gross debt would rise to $667
billion, with an interest bill of nearly $3 billion a month

The ALP 'achievements':
1. Six hundred thousand more unemployed
2. Three fewer car manufacturers (3 minus 3 equals zero)
3. A decimated aluminium industry
4. Doubled electricity costs
5. Quarter of a million immigrants without *any* new infrasructure
6. Fourteen thousand plus pages of legislation.
7. Thousands of words of abuse
8. Four deceased apprentices
9. One thousand two hundred drowned asylum seekers
10. A handbag with an affinity for small Asian women
11. A world's greatest treasurer
12. Three huge promises (Gonski, NDIS and health)
13. Cancellation of half of the "$500b investment pipeline"
14. Another stolen generation of Aboriginal kids
15. 1,000 asylum seeker kids in detention
16. 50,000 unwanted, unqualified visa cheats.
17. Two fraud artists - an MP and an ALP national president
18. One paedophile. One convicted, that is.
19. A prime suspect for rape.
Speaking of which:
20. Several seemingly endless investigations
21. A AAA-rated slush fund manager
22. Half a trillion dollars of debt

The ALP's war on money:
Loading Image...

Who squandered the mining boom?
Loading Image...

The ALP's war on Australia:

The ALP's preference to Gillard...

Labor's legacy:
Loading Image...

Loading Image...

"Don't write crap. Can't be that hard. And when you have written
complete crap, then I think you should correct it" - Julia Gillard

"Socialism or Communism; the first is suicide, the second murder. In the
end you have a dead body either way" - Ayn Rand

#auspol #ausdebate
2014-06-08 11:11:14 UTC
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Australian Labor Deceit
2014-06-08 20:35:52 UTC
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the
drowning of 1,200 people?

Why we kicked out the ALP:

Bill Shorten, "Oh, yeah, I believe him"

Australian Liar Party:
"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead"

"Well certainly what we rejected is this hysterical allegation that
somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their
advertising. We certainly reject that"

Labor's speechwriter...
On Gillard:
"She has not much except a kindergarten sandpit response to things"
"One thing is sure - there will be no Gillard era. This is not a 20-year
stretch. Civilised people's hands are already over their faces every
time she speaks. That cannot last. She has no power, no influence, no
friends, no learning. There's not much there"


Labor's (overcrowded) sweat shops:

Because of Labor:
* Australia is currently paying $1 billion a month in interest;
* Australia would have the fastest growth in *spending* and 3rd fastest
growth in net *debt* of 17 countries profiled by the IMF;
* As a result, without action, Australia’s gross debt would rise to $667
billion, with an interest bill of nearly $3 billion a month

The ALP 'achievements':
1. Six hundred thousand more unemployed
2. Three fewer car manufacturers (3 minus 3 equals zero)
3. A decimated aluminium industry
4. Doubled electricity costs
5. Quarter of a million immigrants without *any* new infrasructure
6. Fourteen thousand plus pages of legislation.
7. Thousands of words of abuse
8. Four deceased apprentices
9. One thousand two hundred drowned asylum seekers
10. A handbag with an affinity for small Asian women
11. A world's greatest treasurer
12. Three huge promises (Gonski, NDIS and health)
13. Cancellation of half of the "$500b investment pipeline"
14. Another stolen generation of Aboriginal kids
15. 1,000 asylum seeker kids in detention
16. 50,000 unwanted, unqualified visa cheats.
17. Two fraud artists - an MP and an ALP national president
18. One paedophile. One convicted, that is.
19. A prime suspect for rape.
Speaking of which:
20. Several seemingly endless investigations
21. A AAA-rated slush fund manager
22. Half a trillion dollars of debt

The ALP's war on money:

Who squandered the mining boom?

The ALP's war on Australia:

The ALP's preference to Gillard...

Labor's legacy:

"Don't write crap. Can't be that hard. And when you have written
complete crap, then I think you should correct it" - Julia Gillard

"Socialism or Communism; the first is suicide, the second murder. In the
end you have a dead body either way" - Ayn Rand

#auspol #ausdebate
2014-06-08 23:23:07 UTC
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Australian Labor Deceit
2014-06-09 01:43:43 UTC
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.

Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.

Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.

I give up.
Bob Hawke's glowing vision for Australia:
Loading Image...

Why we kicked out the ALP:

Bill Shorten, "Oh, yeah, I believe him"

Australian Liar Party:
"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead"

"Well certainly what we rejected is this hysterical allegation that
somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their
advertising. We certainly reject that"

Labor's speechwriter...
On Gillard:
"She has not much except a kindergarten sandpit response to things"
"One thing is sure - there will be no Gillard era. This is not a 20-year
stretch. Civilised people's hands are already over their faces every
time she speaks. That cannot last. She has no power, no influence, no
friends, no learning. There's not much there"


Labor's (overcrowded) sweat shops:

Because of Labor:
* Australia is currently paying $1 billion a month in interest;
* Australia would have the fastest growth in *spending* and 3rd fastest
growth in net *debt* of 17 countries profiled by the IMF;
* As a result, without action, Australia’s gross debt would rise to $667
billion, with an interest bill of nearly $3 billion a month

The ALP 'achievements':
1. Six hundred thousand more unemployed
2. Three fewer car manufacturers (3 minus 3 equals zero)
3. A decimated aluminium industry
4. Doubled electricity costs
5. Quarter of a million immigrants without *any* new infrasructure
6. Fourteen thousand plus pages of legislation.
7. Thousands of words of abuse
8. Four deceased apprentices
9. One thousand two hundred drowned asylum seekers
10. A handbag with an affinity for small Asian women
11. A world's greatest treasurer
12. Three huge promises (Gonski, NDIS and health)
13. Cancellation of half of the "$500b investment pipeline"
14. Another stolen generation of Aboriginal kids
15. 1,000 asylum seeker kids in detention
16. 50,000 unwanted, unqualified visa cheats.
17. Two fraud artists - an MP and an ALP national president
18. One paedophile. One convicted, that is.
19. A prime suspect for rape.
Speaking of which:
20. Several seemingly endless investigations
21. A AAA-rated slush fund manager
22. Half a trillion dollars of debt

The ALP's war on money:

Who squandered the mining boom?

The ALP's war on Australia:

The ALP's preference to Gillard...

Labor's legacy:

"Don't write crap. Can't be that hard. And when you have written
complete crap, then I think you should correct it" - Julia Gillard

"Socialism or Communism; the first is suicide, the second murder. In the
end you have a dead body either way" - Ayn Rand

#auspol #ausdebate
2014-06-09 01:17:55 UTC
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
It happens while Abbott is in charge.
Australian Labor Deceit
2014-06-09 02:21:18 UTC
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
It happens while Abbott is in charge.
Howard in charge: Some drownings, Pacific solution, drownings stop.

Rudd ends Pacific solution: drownings start

Gillard urged to restore Pacific solution, Lies, ignores commonsense or
procrastinates: drownings increase

Morrison restores Pacific solution and stops the boats: Drownings cease.

Speaking of abortions, how do you reconcile your support for the handbag
hit squad with you so-called religious beliefs?
Bob Hawke's glowing vision for Australia:

Why we kicked out the ALP:

Bill Shorten, "Oh, yeah, I believe him"

Australian Liar Party:
"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead"

"Well certainly what we rejected is this hysterical allegation that
somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their
advertising. We certainly reject that"

Labor's speechwriter...
On Gillard:
"She has not much except a kindergarten sandpit response to things"
"One thing is sure - there will be no Gillard era. This is not a 20-year
stretch. Civilised people's hands are already over their faces every
time she speaks. That cannot last. She has no power, no influence, no
friends, no learning. There's not much there"


Labor's (overcrowded) sweat shops:

Because of Labor:
* Australia is currently paying $1 billion a month in interest;
* Australia would have the fastest growth in *spending* and 3rd fastest
growth in net *debt* of 17 countries profiled by the IMF;
* As a result, without action, Australia’s gross debt would rise to $667
billion, with an interest bill of nearly $3 billion a month

The ALP 'achievements':
1. Six hundred thousand more unemployed
2. Three fewer car manufacturers (3 minus 3 equals zero)
3. A decimated aluminium industry
4. Doubled electricity costs
5. Quarter of a million immigrants without *any* new infrasructure
6. Fourteen thousand plus pages of legislation.
7. Thousands of words of abuse
8. Four deceased apprentices
9. One thousand two hundred drowned asylum seekers
10. A handbag with an affinity for small Asian women
11. A world's greatest treasurer
12. Three huge promises (Gonski, NDIS and health)
13. Cancellation of half of the "$500b investment pipeline"
14. Another stolen generation of Aboriginal kids
15. 1,000 asylum seeker kids in detention
16. 50,000 unwanted, unqualified visa cheats.
17. Two fraud artists - an MP and an ALP national president
18. One paedophile. One convicted, that is.
19. A prime suspect for rape.
Speaking of which:
20. Several seemingly endless investigations
21. A AAA-rated slush fund manager
22. Half a trillion dollars of debt

The ALP's war on money:

Who squandered the mining boom?

The ALP's war on Australia:

The ALP's preference to Gillard...

Labor's legacy:

"Don't write crap. Can't be that hard. And when you have written
complete crap, then I think you should correct it" - Julia Gillard

"Socialism or Communism; the first is suicide, the second murder. In the
end you have a dead body either way" - Ayn Rand

#auspol #ausdebate
2014-06-09 01:54:44 UTC
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
It happens while Abbott is in charge.
Howard in charge: Some drownings, Pacific solution, drownings stop.
Rudd ends Pacific solution: drownings start
Gillard urged to restore Pacific solution, Lies, ignores commonsense or
procrastinates: drownings increase
Morrison restores Pacific solution and stops the boats: Drownings cease.
Speaking of abortions, how do you reconcile your support for the handbag
hit squad with you so-called religious beliefs?
WTF is a handbag hit squad?
2014-06-09 02:21:06 UTC
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:43:43 +1000, Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
Abortion seems to be Liberal policy in 2006
Only by believing in God we can critiicize Government. Once you abolish God, the Government becomes God
It's not taught in school, but our Constitutional Monarchy places us under God - the Christian God, whose compound redemptive Name is Lord Jesus Christ.

Australian Labor Deceit
2014-06-09 02:27:24 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:43:43 +1000, Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
Abortion seems to be Liberal policy in 2006
You are climbing on the wagon of blaming a party which supports *choice*
for outcomes of peoples' personal choices.

Smoking is stupid but if people do it and die that's their problem not
the governments problem.

We fought a world war to defeat fascist c*nts like you and now you are
taking over.
Post by Petzl
Only by believing in God we can critiicize Government. Once you abolish God, the Government becomes God
It's not taught in school, but our Constitutional Monarchy places us under God - the Christian God, whose compound redemptive Name is Lord Jesus Christ.
Bob Hawke's glowing vision for Australia:

Why we kicked out the ALP:

Bill Shorten, "Oh, yeah, I believe him"

Australian Liar Party:
"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead"

"Well certainly what we rejected is this hysterical allegation that
somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their
advertising. We certainly reject that"

Labor's speechwriter...
On Gillard:
"She has not much except a kindergarten sandpit response to things"
"One thing is sure - there will be no Gillard era. This is not a 20-year
stretch. Civilised people's hands are already over their faces every
time she speaks. That cannot last. She has no power, no influence, no
friends, no learning. There's not much there"


Labor's (overcrowded) sweat shops:

Because of Labor:
* Australia is currently paying $1 billion a month in interest;
* Australia would have the fastest growth in *spending* and 3rd fastest
growth in net *debt* of 17 countries profiled by the IMF;
* As a result, without action, Australia’s gross debt would rise to $667
billion, with an interest bill of nearly $3 billion a month

The ALP 'achievements':
1. Six hundred thousand more unemployed
2. Three fewer car manufacturers (3 minus 3 equals zero)
3. A decimated aluminium industry
4. Doubled electricity costs
5. Quarter of a million immigrants without *any* new infrasructure
6. Fourteen thousand plus pages of legislation.
7. Thousands of words of abuse
8. Four deceased apprentices
9. One thousand two hundred drowned asylum seekers
10. A handbag with an affinity for small Asian women
11. A world's greatest treasurer
12. Three huge promises (Gonski, NDIS and health)
13. Cancellation of half of the "$500b investment pipeline"
14. Another stolen generation of Aboriginal kids
15. 1,000 asylum seeker kids in detention
16. 50,000 unwanted, unqualified visa cheats.
17. Two fraud artists - an MP and an ALP national president
18. One paedophile. One convicted, that is.
19. A prime suspect for rape.
Speaking of which:
20. Several seemingly endless investigations
21. A AAA-rated slush fund manager
22. Half a trillion dollars of debt

The ALP's war on money:

Who squandered the mining boom?

The ALP's war on Australia:

The ALP's preference to Gillard...

Labor's legacy:

"Don't write crap. Can't be that hard. And when you have written
complete crap, then I think you should correct it" - Julia Gillard

"Socialism or Communism; the first is suicide, the second murder. In the
end you have a dead body either way" - Ayn Rand

#auspol #ausdebate
2014-06-09 02:00:52 UTC
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Petzl
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:43:43 +1000, Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
Abortion seems to be Liberal policy in 2006
You are climbing on the wagon of blaming a party which supports *choice*
for outcomes of peoples' personal choices.
You mean it is not a personal choice when people go on leaky boats?
Maybe it is more of a necessity than having an abortion to be able to buy
the new car.
2014-06-09 03:10:01 UTC
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:27:24 +1000, Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Petzl
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:43:43 +1000, Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
Abortion seems to be Liberal policy in 2006
You are climbing on the wagon of blaming a party which supports *choice*
for outcomes of peoples' personal choices.
Smoking is stupid but if people do it and die that's their problem not
the governments problem.
We fought a world war to defeat fascist c*nts like you and now you are
taking over.
YOU never fought in any war let alone a world War!
Calling those opposed to fascists (like you and a Murdoch run "Liberal
party), fascists trying to get readers to recoil about the awful
truths and what latest history is stating.

WWII was started by Jews (in WWI) won by the Jews and "we" have been
deceived about the truth even today. It is only now that former
Eastern Bloc Historians (Historians are not politically correct) are
writing these facts since "Pope John Paul II" bought down the Berlin

Most acclaimed is Soviet holocaust Gulag survivor Nobel Peace prize
winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn
His latest work, volunteers are translating it

John Strugnell was right in stating (Dead Sea Scroll translator)
Judaism was a "horrible religion" which "should not exist". He also
said that Judaism was "a Christian heresy, and we deal with our
heretics in different ways. You are a phenomenon that we haven't
managed to convert — and we should have managed."
Only by believing in God we can critiicize Government. Once you abolish God, the Government becomes God
It's not taught in school, but our Constitutional Monarchy places us under God - the Christian God, whose compound redemptive Name is Lord Jesus Christ.

Steve Hayes
2014-06-09 12:07:24 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:43:43 +1000, Australian Labor Deceit
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Post by HD
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
Did those "churches" support Labor policies which resulted in the drowning
of 1,200 people?
By the same token, Abbott is responsible for 100.000 abortions each year.
Abortions occur in unsinkable boats? Nah.
Abbott is a doctor? Nooo, not that either.
Abbott impregnated 100,000 women? Nope, he's a supertstar but that's not it.
I give up.
Abortion seems to be Liberal policy in 2006
He's out now.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
Bill "The Rapist" Shorten
2014-06-08 23:02:44 UTC
Post by HD
Post by Australian Labor Deceit
Reports that Doctors are looking for a conscience are unlikely to be true
as socialist leaders have seldom been found to have one...
And that is the reason the churches reject Abbotts policies as immoral
But the Catholic Church hides and covers up pedophilia?

What a low moral scum bag you are, HD.
Political Correctness- "Political correctness is a doctrine fostered
by the delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by the mainstream media,
which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by
the clean end."

- R.J. Wiedemann, Lt. Col. USMC Ret.