Cutting Greece lose?
(too old to reply)
2011-11-06 08:24:52 UTC
Because my memory for names has degenerated, I'm going to
google for: BBC+"Peter+Day"+"The bottom+line"+Hermitage+
"Russian+corruption". Although I heard the program twice,
I want to get something in writing.

Ideally I'd want to find if there's a blog-stream.
Pity that blogs have replaced the quality newsgroups that we had
in previous decades.

With South Africa having also degenerated into massive corruption,
mainly by persons connected with the new government, I can well
identify with the situation in Russia. Except that in SA there's still
a free press, whereas in Russia - apparently not.

This staggering BBC exposee, reminds me of personal stories of
Bulgaria (close to Russians in mentality and language), how thugs
forced a bakery owner to 'sign over' his business. He too, like the
'Hermitage man', just decided to leave Bulgaria.

If you watched the Kosovo/Albania scene in recent years you may
have noticed the tradition of massive corruption in that south
eastern corner of Europe. Which leads on to my main point: how
much of this applies to Greece. And was it caused by the Turkish
domination of that part of Europe for several generations.
Or is it a genetic thing.

My ex is Finnish; and they were a Russian colony;
and I must digress to compare the African states, who blame
their condition on colonialism; with Finland which was under
Rusiia until 1917 (Haitti has been independant since 1804 !!).
She says, it's common knowledge that the Russians are crooked
by tradition, and their 70 years under communisms just gave
them more training and motivation.
And that there's a coat-of-arms with 2 crossed swords, and
the straight sword represents the west and the crooked
sword, the east.

I can well imagine how the Germans are getting pissed off,
having to support the parasites.

Perhaps asking why the wogs are like that is the wrong question,
since it's natural animal behaviour for the strong to prey on the
weak. The correct question to ask, is "how do civilised societies
prevent this natural behaviour". And the answer is about "a
functioning legal system". So the break down of the previously
mostly functioning system, due to the massive political changes
is what allowed the corruption in ex-soviet union and
south africa to explode. And it's the excessive litigation of
the US that keeps it in check. And maybe that's justification
for US tending to be the policeman of the world?

I anticipate BIG problems in the newly liberated Arab societies,
and very strong reasons for Sharia law to control the chaos.
Isn't that what's happeneing in Afghanistan: the increase in
chaos and corruption is what makes the population welcome
the return of the Taliban.
Steve Hayes
2011-11-06 16:38:07 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
With South Africa having also degenerated into massive corruption,
mainly by persons connected with the new government, I can well
identify with the situation in Russia. Except that in SA there's still
a free press, whereas in Russia - apparently not.
In South Africa we have only had a free press since 1994, so corruption before
that was largely hidden, and it is hard to know whether we are better or worse

However, we are better off than Greece.


Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://hayesfam.bravehost.com/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://methodius.blogspot.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
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