Zuma's critics are wrong this time.
(too old to reply)
2013-10-25 07:16:17 UTC
Some private blog [perhaps DailyMaverick, see below]
mentioned that Zuma's public contrasting Gauteng's HiWay
system with Malawis' national roads, is seen as SA arrogance
by the less developed African states.

This false conclusion is caused by the writers political
correctness infliction:--

SA. is the LEAST developed. It is hardly 2 decades into
it's transformation journey towards a Zimbabawe, Zambia,
Congo status.
I have good experience and understanding of Malawi's
attitude. When I was there, at the time of the ANC unbanning,
I remember very clearly, the comment by a Malawian, who
doublessly had spent time in and knew S.A. He said: "OMG now
the whole F*ing S.A. is going to be like one big bantustan".
Malawians where well aware of the benefit to them of a
prosperous [non-bantu run] job-offering Apartheid S.A.

The natives of the further-transformed african states, are not
victims of PeeCee. They know that mulungu/mzungu sent a
man to the moon and back, in the 60's.

They know that as the competent 'whites' flee and the
economy collapses in SA, it is to their DISadvantage.

Malawian Life President [by bantu tradition] H.E. Banda,
used to tell his people repeatedly:
* don't think you are the same as mzungu;
* I know mzungu; I qualified as a medical doctor under
mzungu in USA and UK;
* be good/honourable Malawians, and get out in the fields
with your hoes, as soon as the rains start.

And indeed the Malawian were, decent, hard-working,
confident, wordly people.

My mistake in failing to relocate to Malawi, was also caused by
my own mzungu-PeeCee-ism: I hadn't accepted the reality, that
with muntu 'you always have to pay a little bribe, to get your
documents passed'.

If SA's were more competent, they would learn to use USEnet,
instead of each one having his own blog.
USEnet is designed for public communications.
Web-based is designed for incompetents.
Competent societies develop and use a public transport system.
Incompetent societies like baboons, use their own transport.
New-SA's road conditions are transforming towards the more
advanced [away from colonial rule] Nigeria.
Steve Hayes
2013-10-25 08:57:13 UTC
Post by A***@gmail.com
Some private blog [perhaps DailyMaverick, see below]
mentioned that Zuma's public contrasting Gauteng's HiWay
system with Malawis' national roads, is seen as SA arrogance
by the less developed African states.
Zuma has made it quite clear that toll roads are unAfrican.

That's one more reason for abolishing them.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk