2013-02-02 18:46:14 UTC
Pallo Jordan ANC-spin-doctor wrote:-
] After the frontier wars that resulted in the systematic
] expropriation of the indigenous people's land, the Natives Land Act
] is probably the most deeply felt grievance among blacks. While the
] wars had all ended with whites seizing African land, by legislative
] fiat, the 1913 law excluded the possibility of blacks ever
] reacquiring it on the open market, for example. There could be no
] clearer indication that the white minority had taken the land as the
] spoils of conquest.
No, the LAW prohibiting land sale to the natives was to enforce
geographical separation: APARTHEID. The current native-robber-gangs
do not prohibit members from selling their loot 'on the open market'.
There's NO relationship between an asset being 'the spoils of conquest'
and the permission to sell it, unless you're thinking of keeping stolen
[uniquly identifyable] items hidden from law enforcement.
'Law excluding the possibility of' one company acquiring another
company is often based on preventing MONOPOLISTIC practices.
This, like apartheid is a HIGHER reason that looting.
The Afrikaaners' situation was directly comparable with the Israelis':
wanting to have a JEWISH state.
Only the settlers unrealistic hope that they could stay, caused them to
call themselves Afrikaaners, and design the APARTHEID system.
The didn't know that it wouldn't last.
Pallo Jordan ANC-spin-doctor wrote:-
] After the frontier wars that resulted in the systematic
] expropriation of the indigenous people's land, the Natives Land Act
] is probably the most deeply felt grievance among blacks. While the
] wars had all ended with whites seizing African land, by legislative
] fiat, the 1913 law excluded the possibility of blacks ever
] reacquiring it on the open market, for example. There could be no
] clearer indication that the white minority had taken the land as the
] spoils of conquest.
No, the LAW prohibiting land sale to the natives was to enforce
geographical separation: APARTHEID. The current native-robber-gangs
do not prohibit members from selling their loot 'on the open market'.
There's NO relationship between an asset being 'the spoils of conquest'
and the permission to sell it, unless you're thinking of keeping stolen
[uniquly identifyable] items hidden from law enforcement.
'Law excluding the possibility of' one company acquiring another
company is often based on preventing MONOPOLISTIC practices.
This, like apartheid is a HIGHER reason that looting.
The Afrikaaners' situation was directly comparable with the Israelis':
wanting to have a JEWISH state.
Only the settlers unrealistic hope that they could stay, caused them to
call themselves Afrikaaners, and design the APARTHEID system.
The didn't know that it wouldn't last.