2015-09-10 01:40:24 UTC
With the new, much praised constitution, you'd expect 'za' to have
at least one "legal" Newsgroup. Instead we've got eg:----------
No! law works with concise text; not cartoons.
at least one "legal" Newsgroup. Instead we've got eg:----------
August 7, 2015. by thelawguysa This is a first in a series of articles
in which i attempt to help those students who cannot or do not know how
to use the UNISA online platform optimally. It will include pictures
for easy referencing :), please note this is a first in a series of
instructive articles, it is a basic outline of how to access certain sites
using Unisa (like lexis nexus and juta) and information on those sites.
Please remember to stay awesome! <-- omit distracting childish crap
--------- end of extract -------in which i attempt to help those students who cannot or do not know how
to use the UNISA online platform optimally. It will include pictures
for easy referencing :), please note this is a first in a series of
instructive articles, it is a basic outline of how to access certain sites
using Unisa (like lexis nexus and juta) and information on those sites.
Please remember to stay awesome! <-- omit distracting childish crap
No! law works with concise text; not cartoons.