BBC sensationalises Tutu's comments on GWB.
(too old to reply)
2009-01-16 20:12:39 UTC
Please correct your false implications of Tutu's statement.
AFAIK Iraqu attacked Kuwait, and then US & UK drove it out.
AFAIK there was no peace-treaty with Iraqu, & US/UK were
patrolling a no-fly-zone in Iraqu with shooting & bombing.

Therefore your implication the GWB 'attacked another nation'
[apparently out of the blue], is deceptively false.

Yes US/UK extended the existing military activety, mostly
on the basis of justified [IMO] suspicion of Iraqu possessing
WMD. Iraq had ample opportunity to disprove this apparent
deception. Therefore you're propogation of Tutu's
"attacked another nation on the basis of a lie" is deception.

The Arabs are past-masters at deception: as demonstrated
again by their firing on Israeli forces FROM a UN building.

== Chris Glur.
Steve Hayes
2009-01-17 06:22:41 UTC
Post by A***@gmail
Please correct your false implications of Tutu's statement.
What false implications?

What statement?
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://hayesfam.bravehost.com/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://methodius.blogspot.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
Roger Conroy
2009-01-17 07:56:52 UTC
Post by A***@gmail
Please correct your false implications of Tutu's statement.
AFAIK Iraqu attacked Kuwait, and then US & UK drove it out.
AFAIK there was no peace-treaty with Iraqu, & US/UK were
patrolling a no-fly-zone in Iraqu with shooting & bombing.
Therefore your implication the GWB 'attacked another nation'
[apparently out of the blue], is deceptively false.
Yes US/UK extended the existing military activety, mostly
on the basis of justified [IMO] suspicion of Iraqu possessing
WMD. Iraq had ample opportunity to disprove this apparent
deception. Therefore you're propogation of Tutu's
"attacked another nation on the basis of a lie" is deception.
The Arabs are past-masters at deception: as demonstrated
again by their firing on Israeli forces FROM a UN building.
== Chris Glur.
To whom are you addressing this rant? It is not posted as a reply to a
previous post yet you use phrases such as "Your false implications", "your
implication that" and "Therefore you're[sic] propagation that".

I believe Tutu was refering to the SECOND Gulf War.
Iraq was driven out of Kuwait in the FIRST Gulf War.
The false pretences Tutu referred to were the fairytales cooked up by the
CIA about Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction - which have still not turned
up! Also the complete fabrication that Iraq/Saddam was involved with Al
Qaeda's attacks on the US.
You say the "suspicions" about WMDs were "justified". Please explain (with
citations) the actual evidence upon which the suspicions were "justified".