Post by Bob DuberyIs the judgment serious enough to warrant impeaching Nicholson? I think it
is, he SERIOUSLY screwed up!-
He may have screwed up, but you can't impeach a judge because he made
a ruling that was overturned on appeal.
That's why there are appeal courts - because judges are human and thus
If it could be proven that, for the sake of ridiculous example,
Nicholson smoked 3 big joints before writing his verdict, or had spent
several consecutive nights on the piss and cooked the whole thing up
over breakfast one morning then he'd be rightly debarred (or is it
disbarred?). But judges shouldn't be impeached for making imperfect
That would make it very difficult for a bold judge to make a bold
decision and thereby set a precedent.
Yes, I agree with that.
I think that the difficulty here is that the appeal court has now held
that he acted improperly as a judge because he disobeyed a number of
the standard rules. So it isn't his judgement per se that's the
problem, it is his mentioning Mbeki, taking hearsay as evidence and
acting in an apparently political manner. These are against the rules.
I find it difficult to make a judgement on this one myself, actually.
From the general murkiness of the situation and people and the smoke
and fire argument [that forgets dry ice], I'm inclined to think that
Nicholson was right about at least some of the political goings on. I
was disappointed to see Zuma let of the hook - corruption is a serious
problem for South Africa and having it properly prosecuted is
important to improving our international image and restoring some
inwards investment - so I'm pleased to see the case back. I'm also,
for completely private reasons, delighted that this has caused the
dollar to jump for just the few days that I need it to - but that
wouldn't, of course, influence my judgement on the rightness or
wrongness of the case itself.
I'm generally in favour of outspoken and brave judges - if only for
their entertainment value, Judge Pickles in the UK provided tons of
material for Private Eye that comics would have found hard to invent.
Interestingly Judge Pickles had sound views on ganja, that are echoed
in the New Scientist magazine this week.