Antisocial Loser Party
2013-12-07 05:47:10 UTC
The whole world is presently paying tribute to this man and honoring his
legacy. But I'd like to ask just a few questions..
1. Has his importance or significance in world events or on the world
stage been exaggerated or overstated?
2. Is he deserving of the praise and tribute he is receiving? eg: flags
at half mast, massive media coverage, documentaries, etc.,
3. Are we being or have we been manipulated by the media and vested
interests because events are being misrepresented and facts ignored or
4. What nations (if any) are not joining in the worldwide tributes and why?
a link of relevance:
(cries of 'racist' in an attempt to stifle discussion will be ignored)
Tough questions.legacy. But I'd like to ask just a few questions..
1. Has his importance or significance in world events or on the world
stage been exaggerated or overstated?
2. Is he deserving of the praise and tribute he is receiving? eg: flags
at half mast, massive media coverage, documentaries, etc.,
3. Are we being or have we been manipulated by the media and vested
interests because events are being misrepresented and facts ignored or
4. What nations (if any) are not joining in the worldwide tributes and why?
a link of relevance:
(cries of 'racist' in an attempt to stifle discussion will be ignored)
The Mandela who was released and became leader was a different person to
the Mandela that was imprisoned 27 years before. Those naughty
Afrikaners brainwashed him into becoming a 'Good Kaffir'. He even became
a Rugby fan!
Importance? No. He averted a civil war.
Tribute? That's a matter for the US and OBummer.
Manipulated? Nah. Apartheid was obscene. But its replacement - the ANC
are socialist crooks, like the ALP. What they need is power structures
that enhance democracy and limit crooks like the ANC.
What Nations not joining in?
Dunno. Why?
Labor's ineptitude charted:
Carbon Tax for Dummies:
"It's an emissions trading scheme with a fixed price"
Climate Change for Dummies:
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"Don't write crap. Can't be that hard. And when you have written
complete crap, then I think you should correct it" - Julia Gillard
Labor's legacy:
Labor's preference to Gillard...
"It is to do everything I *physically* can to stop Mr Abbott becoming
the next prime minister of Australia..."
Labor's cup runneth over...
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#auspol #ausdebate