Re. Need S. Hayes input to revive za.<USENET>
(too old to reply)
2011-01-04 23:49:09 UTC
I normally use a 'non graphical browser' like lynx to fetch
http, because I'm in the 3rd world and can't afford the
'glossy magazine' version of text information.

So when after my other inet material had been handled,
and the 'full featured browser' attempted fetch of:
was still pumping the modem furiously at 120KB, I just

120 KB is equivalent to 60 pages of A4 text!!
What the hell is this blog trying to do with my system?!
Ray Laughton
2011-01-13 22:35:46 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
I normally use a 'non graphical browser' like lynx to fetch
http, because I'm in the 3rd world and can't afford the
'glossy magazine' version of text information.
So when after my other inet material had been handled,
was still pumping the modem furiously at 120KB, I just
120 KB is equivalent to 60 pages of A4 text!!
What the hell is this blog trying to do with my system?!
It took about 15 sec for the page to come up on my old (6 year) system..
Time you looked at broadband again, its getting cheaper every year.
120kb also the equivalent of a small (1/2 a postcard sized) photo.
2011-01-23 17:03:17 UTC
Post by Ray Laughton
Post by n***@gmail.com
I normally use a 'non graphical browser' like lynx to fetch
http, because I'm in the 3rd world and can't afford the
'glossy magazine' version of text information.
So when after my other inet material had been handled,
was still pumping the modem furiously at 120KB, I just
120 KB is equivalent to 60 pages of A4 text!!
What the hell is this blog trying to do with my system?!
It took about 15 sec for the page to come up on my old (6 year) system..
Time you looked at broadband again, its getting cheaper every year.
120kb also the equivalent of a small (1/2 a postcard sized) photo.
If you want to show how *little* information YOU can get from
120 KB, why don't you just delete it and get the extreme: nil ?

Did you address, or did I not write that:
* http-blogs makes the readers into dumb twitter-kiddies;
* full-featured http, with dancing images 'in-your-face'
makes for a dumbed down mentality;
* USEnet was designed by engineers to efficiently manage
the sub-threads of a dialog, whereas blogs degenerate into
a Friday-night-bar session, where all the twittering-kiddies
have to shout their first idea before closing-time, instead of
sleeping-on-it and incubating an original idea.
Ray Laughton
2011-01-23 23:53:24 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
Post by Ray Laughton
Post by n***@gmail.com
I normally use a 'non graphical browser' like lynx to fetch
http, because I'm in the 3rd world and can't afford the
'glossy magazine' version of text information.
So when after my other inet material had been handled,
was still pumping the modem furiously at 120KB, I just
120 KB is equivalent to 60 pages of A4 text!!
What the hell is this blog trying to do with my system?!
It took about 15 sec for the page to come up on my old (6 year) system..
Time you looked at broadband again, its getting cheaper every year.
120kb also the equivalent of a small (1/2 a postcard sized) photo.
If you want to show how *little* information YOU can get from
120 KB, why don't you just delete it and get the extreme: nil ?
* http-blogs makes the readers into dumb twitter-kiddies;
* full-featured http, with dancing images 'in-your-face'
makes for a dumbed down mentality;
* USEnet was designed by engineers to efficiently manage
the sub-threads of a dialog, whereas blogs degenerate into
a Friday-night-bar session, where all the twittering-kiddies
have to shout their first idea before closing-time, instead of
sleeping-on-it and incubating an original idea.
USENETs dying, for whatever reason.. we all have our pet theories on
that one. So go with the flow or get left behind.
2011-01-24 10:37:08 UTC
Post by Ray Laughton
Post by n***@gmail.com
* USEnet was designed by engineers to efficiently manage
the sub-threads of a dialog, whereas blogs degenerate into
a Friday-night-bar session, where all the twittering-kiddies
have to shout their first idea before closing-time, instead of
sleeping-on-it and incubating an original idea.
USENETs dying, for whatever reason.. we all have our pet theories on
that one. So go with the flow or get left behind.
You wisely chose to ignore my technical argument, since
herdism trumps logic.

All the new kiddies, who thought they should mortgage their house
for beer money, because the 'flow that they were going with'
[instead of understanding from first principles] told them that house
prices could only increase.
