Afro-Arab unstable societies NEED Islam.
(too old to reply)
2015-01-09 18:47:25 UTC
I was pleasantly surprised, on my first visit to Egypt -
how peacfull, and crime free compared to South Africa.

Apart from the genetic endowment, the main cause of the
potentially explosive situation in the Afro-Arab societies is
the breeding rate.

Islam gives them structure and discipline, which avoids them
going-off-the-rails, while hopefully, technology will eventually
reduce their population explosion.
2015-02-22 12:17:58 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
I was pleasantly surprised, on my first visit to Egypt -
how peacfull, and crime free compared to South Africa.
Apart from the genetic endowment, the main cause of the
potentially explosive situation in the Afro-Arab societies is
the breeding rate.
Islam gives them structure and discipline, which prevents them
going-off-the-rails, while hopefully, technology will eventually
reduce their population explosion.
VoiceOfAmerica broadcasted an interview with a woman author of the
book about <corruption> where she explains how Afganistan, Nigeria
..etc. don't have governments, but rather: criminal organisations,
milking their populations. Which realisation has massive implications
for global politics, affecting you and your family's life.
...did you find a link/s to the author/'s book?
It justifies it's own blog.
Alvin Toffler's 1975 "the 3rd wave" analysed/predicted the current
global situation: unemployment, massive wealth disparity....
In Nigeria and the rest of Africa/Haiti the population don't object
to what <the west calls corruption>: they just want to join-in.
Which is quiet natural, viewed from the evolutionary p.o.v.

The proper question, is "why the west has the perversion of NOT
looting when the opportunity is available?"
Perhaps it's a scientific view of the universe not being governed by
the spirits of the ancestors, but by physical laws:
* double entry book-keeping- every credit is matched by an equal debit;
* conservation of matter, energy, momemtum ...
helps to understand the zero-sum principle.

The European Protestant revolution and 30 year wars are probably
relevant ...?
